Ph.D. Positions

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Ph.D. Positions

Johannes Kepler University Linz
Country of Position: 
Contact Name: 
Mario Huemer
Start Date: 
24 October 2016
Expiration Date: 
31 December 2016
Position Description: 

At the Institute of Signal Processing and the Institute for Communications Engineering and RF-Systems at Johannes Kepler University Linz five open positions for research assistants are to be filled by January 1st, 2017.

The two institutes will host a Christian Doppler Laboratory for Digitally Assisted RF Transceivers for Future Mobile Communications, and are looking for scientific staff members in the domains of Signal Processing and Communications Engineering. We offer an exciting working environment, challenging research topics, and close cooperation with a world leading industrial partner in this field. The project work offers the possibility to earn a Ph.D. degree.

Candidates should have a master-equivalent degree in Electrical Engineering or Electronics Engineering, or in a closely related field of study. For more information please contact Prof. Huemer or Prof. Springer, preferably by email: or

Please send your application with personal and scientific data and a compact statement about scientific interests and achievements to: or with reference to “Application CD-Lab”.

We are approaching interested candidates prepared to strengthen our research team in the aforementioned fields of activity. The yearly gross salary is € 37,750.-- (working time 40 hours/week). Johannes Kepler University is an equal opportunity employer.


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