Postdoc in Biomedical Image Analysis

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Postdoc in Biomedical Image Analysis

Masaryk University
Country of Position: 
Czech Republic
Contact Name: 
Prof. Michal Kozubek
Subject Area: 
Bio Imaging and Signal Processing
Start Date: 
30 August 2016
Expiration Date: 
31 October 2016
Position Description: 

A postdoc position is available at the Centre for Biomedical Image Analysis (CBIA), which is a research division of the Faculty of Informatics of Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic. Brno is the second largest Czech city with a rich history, splendid surroundings, several universities and several scientific parks. Masaryk University is the largest university in Brno with over 30,000 students and the second largest in the Czech Republic. Faculty of Informatics is the oldest and leading academic centre for education and research in computer science in the Czech Republic with over 2,000 students.

The focus of CBIA is the development and validation of novel methods in a broad range of biomedical imaging applications with emphasis on cell imaging using optical microscopy. Research topics include image analysis, image segmentation, object tracking, image filtering, image restoration, image registration, image acquisition and also simulation of image formation and electronic detection. Methods for automated image acquisition and analysis are being developed and tested on real microscopy systems capable of high-quality 3D cell imaging including time-lapse imaging. Key to the success of the group is close collaboration between people of different backgrounds and handling the whole pipeline of cell cultivation, staining, acquisition and analysis. CBIA has also close collaboration with clinical partners. Currently the group consists of about 20 people including researchers, PhD students and technicians.

The candidate is encouraged to work in one of the above-mentioned areas and collaborate with researchers of a different background. Especially involvement in one of the following topics is welcome:

  • Machine learning techniques applied to cell segmentation and tracking
  • Energy-based techniques applied to cell segmentation and tracking
  • Adaptive mathematical morphology techniques applied to cell segmentation and tracking
  • Simulations and modelling of live cell dynamics
  • Study of accuracy and precision of measurements in microscopy using simulations

The length of the postdoc appointment will be 1 year with a possibility of prolongation for another year. The preferred starting date is January 1, 2017. The deadline for applications is October 31, 2016. Candidates are expected to have (or be about to defend) a PhD degree in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, or related areas, with demonstrated contribution to the field. Good knowledge of English language is expected as well as at least 2 years spent at a university outside Czech or Slovak Republic.

Required documents and submission procedure are described at Faculty Job Vacancy pages. More information about the CBIA group and its vacant positions is available at CBIA web pages.

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