Tenure-Track/Tenured Assistant/Associate/Full Professor

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Tenure-Track/Tenured Assistant/Associate/Full Professor

South China University of Technology
Country of Position: 
Contact Name: 
Jiahui Sun
Start Date: 
22 January 2019
Expiration Date: 
01 March 2019
Position Description: 

The International Institute for Smart Transportation, Infrastructure, Finance and Computing (IISTIFC) affiliated with the School of Smart Cities (SSC) at South China University of Technology (SCUT), Guangzhou, China invites applicants to fill tenure track/tenured Assistant/Associate/Full Professor faculty positions on Guangzhou International Campus for conducting interdisciplinary engineering education and cutting-edge research. Duties of the appointees include teaching undergraduate and graduate courses, developing funded research, and providing professional services.

As a leading educational institution in China, SCUT is a public research-intensive university. SCUT is determined to take a more active and efficient role in the global education, research and innovation. Located in the city of Guangzhou, a thriving metropolis in South China, SCUT consists of three campuses: the Wushan Campus, the University Town Campus, and the Guangzhou International Campus. Information about SCUT and its Guangzhou International Campus may be found respectively at https://www.scut.edu.cn/en/ and at http://www2.scut.edu.cn/gzic_en/.

To be eligible to apply, the applicant’s PhD degree is expected to be in Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Optical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Material Science and Engineering, Applied Mathematics, Statistical Science, Operations Research, Industrial Engineering, Systems Engineering, Engineering Management, Management Science, or related field. Applicants with expertise in one or more of the following areas are particularly encouraged to apply. 

  • Parallel computing, computational mathematics and mechanics, discrete element simulation
  • Image processing, computer vision, LiDAR, stereovision, photogrammetry and synthetic aperture
  • Artificial intelligence, big data, machine learning, statistical learning, optimization
  • Information and mobile technologies, management information system, geographical information system, building information modeling
  • Pavement and railway engineering
  • Asphalt mixture testing and visco-elasto-plasto constitutive models
  • Novel materials: asphalt additive, synthetic polymeric materials, geopolymer, epoxy resin, graphene, bio-asphalt, nanomaterials, nanotubes, fullerene, graphene, recycling materials
  • Structural health monitoring, and nondestructive testing and evaluation
  • Structural vibration and modal analysis, and vehicle dynamics
  • Solid mechanics and experimental mechanics
  • Robotics and unmanned aerial vehicles
  • Vehicular traffic flow simulation, signal design and optimization
  • Autonomous vehicles and connected vehicles
  • Cyber-physical system and sensor network
  • Project management and e-construction

Background checks will be performed on all new hires prior to the university making the final offer of employment. Review of applications will begin on February 1, 2019 and continue until the positions are filled. The appointment begins in Fall 2019. Applicants must have earned PhD degree by the time of appointment. To apply, please go to 


Equal Employment Opportunity Statement

South China University of Technology is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Please send email to scs-scut@outlook.com if you have any concerns.

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