SPS Webinar

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SPS Webinar

13 Dec

SPS Webinar: 13 December 2022, by Dr. Qian Huang

Date: 13 December 2022
Time: 10:00 AM ET (New York Time)
Title: Deep Learning for All-in-Focus Imaging
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16 Nov

SPS Webinar: 16 November 2022 , by Dr. Maria Kaselimi, Dr. Nikolaos Doulamis, Dr. Athanasios Voulodimos, and more

Date: November 16, 2022
Time: 8:00 AM ET (New York Time)
Title: EnerGAN++: A Generative Adversarial Gated Recurrent Network for Robust Energy Disaggregation
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14 Dec

SPS Webinar: 14 December 2022, Recent Advances in Non-line-of-sight Imaging

Date: 14 December 2022
Time: 10:00 AM ET (New York Time)
Title: Recent Advances in Non-line-of-sight Imaging
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26 Oct

SPS Webinar: 17 November 2022, by Dr. Daniel Michelsanti

Date: November 17, 2022
Time: 1:00 PM ET (New York Time)
Title: Audio-visual Speech Enhancement and Separation Based on Deep Learning
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09 Nov

SPS Webinar: 9 November 2022 - IEEE/ACM TASLP article on Neural Spectrospatial Filter

Date: 9 November 2022
Time: 9:30 AM ET (New York Time)
Title: Neural Spectrospatial Filter
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21 Sep

SPS Webinar: 10 October 2022 - IEEE JSTSP article on Compressed Sensing

Date: October 10, 2022
Time: 9:00 AM ET (New York Time)
Title: Media Forensics and DeepFakes: An Overview
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06 Sep

SPS Webinar: 6 September 2022 - IEEE TIFS article on Blockchain-Based Solution

Date: September 6, 2022
Time: 10:00 AM ET (New York Time)
Presenter: Dr. Nguyen Truong
Title: Decentralized Personal Data Management: A Blockchain-Based Solution
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21 Sep

SPS Webinar: 21 September 2022 - IEEE OJSP article on Compressed Sensing

Date: September 21, 2022
Time: 9:30 AM ET (New York Time)
Title: Tapestry: A Compressed Sensing Approach to Pooled RT-PCR Testing for COVID-19 Detection
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14 Oct

SPS Webinar: 14 October 2022, Dr. Peilan Wang, Dr Jun Fang

Date: October 14, 2022
Time: 8:00 AM ET (New York Time)
Title: Channel State Information Acquisition for Intelligent Reflecting Surface-Assisted mmWave/THz Systems
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14 Sep

SPS Webinar: Dr. Feng Yin

Date: September 14, 2022
Time: 8:00 AM ET (New York Time)
Title: FedLoc: Federated Learning Framework for Data-Driven
Cooperative Localization and Location Data Processing
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