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Society News

The IEEE Awards Board seeks new volunteers to serve on its award selection committees and Awards Board standing committees to assist with managing the recipient nomination and selection process for IEEE Medals, Technical Field Awards, and Recognitions—the highest awards IEEE presents on behalf of the IEEE Board of Directors.

Want to help someone in your life find their professional home in IEEE? Start their 2017 by giving them the gift of IEEE membership; a gift that will impact their professional and social life for years to come. Membership in IEEE delivers access to the industry’s technical information, offers career development tools, and provides access to IEEE’s discount programs. Learn more about the gift of IEEE membership

The IEEE MGA vTools team is excited to announce the integration of eNotice with vTools.Events. Now a meeting announcement can be created and sent using the meeting information entered in vTools.Events.

Student Member Sean Young on SPS’ impact on his career and research. Read more.

IEEE Section Chairs and Section Membership Development Chairs receive a monthly email notification regarding newly joined members in your Section. The current list of new members (those who joined in the past 30 days) is available through SAMIEEE, your volunteer analytics tool. The report provides member contact information: name, mailing address, email address, phone number, type of membership (traditional, e-membership), Societies joined, grade, and reasons for joining IEEE.

IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) upcoming events and opportunities include: International Leadership Summits IEEE WIE is pleased to announce its selections for the 2017 IEEE WIE International Leadership Summits. Learn more about the 2017 Summits International Leadership Conference (WIE ILC) The program for IEEE WIE ILC 2017 (22-23 May 2017, in San Jose, CA, USA) is now available.

Nominate an IEEE member for Fellow.  It will be one of the high points in their career.  The nomination period for the 2018 Fellow Class is open and will continue through 1 March 2017. Visit the Fellow web page for nominee eligibility requirements, steps to become an IEEE Fellow, nomination instructions, this year's list of Fellows, and much more

Launched in early 2015 through the support of IEEE Future Directions’ new initiatives committee, the Green ICT Initiative’s mission statement has been defined as to build a holistic approach to sustainability through ICT by incorporating green metrics throughout IEEE technical domains.

The inaugural IEEE Vision, Innovation, and Challenges Summit (IEEE VIC Summit) will take place at The Palace Hotel in San Francisco, CA, USA, on 25 May 2017. It will present a unique opportunity to meet, mingle, and network with peers and some of the top technology “giants” in the world. It will be a dynamic one-day event to showcase the breadth of engineering by bringing together innovators, visionaries, and leaders of technology in the Silicon Valley area to discuss what is imminent, to explore what is possible, and what will these emerging areas mean for the future.

All Section officers and Chapter/Affinity Group chairs have been contacted with a reminder that the following annual reports are required to be eligible for a rebate:


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