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Society News

IEEE SPS has built a streamlined mechanism for employers to add a job announcement by simply filling in a simple job opportunity submission Web form related to a particular TC field. To submit job announcements for a particular Technical Committee, the submission form can be found by visiting the page below and selecting a particular TC. Visit the SPS Job Submission Form.

The IEEE invites nominations for the IEEE Signal Processing Society Officer positions of President-Elect for the term 1 January 2018-31 December 2019 and Vice President-Conferences and Vice President-Publications for the term 1 January 2018-31 December 2020.

Please refer to the following webpage for the latest updates on upcoming conferences in Signal Processing. Listing of all conferences

Kostas Plataniotis Vice President-Membership and Chair, Chapters Review Committee The IEEE Signal Processing Society Gujarat Chapter has been selected as the recipient of the 2016 Chapter of the Year Award! This is the second time the Gujarat Chapter has won the award. The Chapter of the Year Award will be presented at the ICASSP 2017 Awards Ceremony in New Orleans, LA, USA.

The years following graduation are often filled with change. Between finding – and starting – a new job, navigating professional relationships and growing your network, and potentially pursuing additional channels of education, it’s important to find a resource that will support your professional growth.

Nominations are due 31 January annually for the IEEE Technical Field Awards (TFAs). IEEE TFAs are awarded for contributions or leadership in a specific field of interest of the IEEE and are among the highest awards presented on behalf of the IEEE Board of Directors. All IEEE members are encouraged to submit a nomination for a worthy candidate within their technical fields.

The IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) announced the 2017 Class of Distinguished Lecturers. Five colleagues were honored and they are: Vivek Goyal (Boston University); Christine Guillemot (INRIA); Petros Maragos (NTUA); Athina Petropulu (Rutgers University); and Brian Sadler (Army Research Laboratory).

Follow the links on the right side of this page to view more news around IEEE. This month's featured IEEE News source is IEEE Smart Grid Newsletter. The October edition of the IEEE Smart Grid Newsletter is a special issue on the role of standards in the smart grid. It covers the important role standards in interoperability, interconnection, ICT, security, and more of the future power grid.

The IEEE MGA vTools team is excited to announce the release of a new version of vTools.Meetings. This new version is re-branded vTools.Events to better identify with the meetings and activities that are included. vTools.Events is more than just a place to report past meeting activity.

IEEE Future Directions is your resource to emerging technologies within IEEE. The team has identified specific technologies as primary focus areas and has established them as formal initiatives to engage IEEE and the general public. For each initiative, you can find a wealth of knowledge, resources, and opportunities to participate. Visit each featured portal for access to upcoming conferences, news articles, technical papers, related standards, professional organizations, and academic programs.


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