Call for Nominations-SPS Officers

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Call for SPS Officer Nominations Page

Call for Nominations: SPS Officers

Call for Nominations:

  • Vice President-Education and Vice President-Membership | Deadline: 6 January 2025
  • President-Elect | Deadline: 14 August 2024

Nomination Information

Call for Officer Nominations: Vice President-Education and Vice President-Membership

Positions: Vice President-Education and Vice President-Membership
Deadline: 6 January 2025


The IEEE SPS Nominations and Appointments Committee, invites nominations for the IEEE Signal Processing Society Officer positions Vice President-Education and Vice President-Membership for the term of 1 January 2026-31 December 2028.

VICE PRESIDENT-EDUCATION (Term: 1 January 2026-31 December 2028)

The duties of the Vice President-Education include the oversight of the activities of the Education Board, the Resource Center and SigPort; tracking educational trends; leading the development of educational programs and professional development material; drafting strategic and long-term plans regarding the Society’s educational activities for recommendation to the Board of Governors; assisting in the creation of the TAB Five-Year Society Review document; and representing the Society at IEEE meetings or meetings of other organizations on education matters or as requested by the Society’s President or Board.

The Vice President-Education Chairs the Education Board and is an ex-officio, member of the Education Center Editorial Board and acts as liaison to the Board of Governors for all educational activities; and serves on and is a voting member of the Society's Board of Governors and ExCom.

NOTE: The Vice President-Education should have a high level of management experience; previously served the Society in some capacity; and should have experience in developing curricula and/or professional development materials.

VICE PRESIDENT-MEMBERSHIP (Term: 1 January 2026-31 December 2028)

The duties of the Vice President-Membership include the oversight of the activities of the Membership Development, Student Services, Women in Signal Processing and Young Professionals Committees; tracking membership trends; drafting strategic and long-term plans regarding the Society’s membership activities for recommendation to the Board of Governors; overseeing the Society’s Chapter activities; assisting in the creation of the TAB Five-Year Society Review document; and representing the Society at IEEE meetings or meetings of other organizations on membership matters or as requested by the Society’s President or Board.

The Vice President-Membership chairs the Membership Board and acts as liaison to the Board of Governors for all membership activities; and serves on and is a voting member of the Society's Board of Governors and Executive Committee.

NOTE: The Vice President-Membership should have a high level of management experience and should have previously served the Society in some capacity, such as: Director, Regional Director-at-Large, Section/Chapter Chair or Section Chair etc.


Nominations for the Vice President-Education and Vice President-Membership positions must be submitted through the online nomination system. The following information is required for each nomination: candidate name, contact information, IEEE Region, IEEE member number, statement of support from the nominator, the candidate’s brief biography including information about current SP, IEEE, or other Society volunteer activities, a photo, as well as a statement of interest stating the candidate's vision for the position. Nominations must be received no later than 6 JANUARY 2025

Manage Collaborators on Nomination

If multiple people are completing the nomination form, you can collaborate on filling the nomination form by clicking on the Manage Collaborators button in the top right corner of the nomination page. The Primary Collaborator, who is the person who started the nomination, can add additional collaborators on the nomination by clicking the Add Collaborator button. Once a Collaborator is added, the application can be transferred to a new Primary Collaborator by clicking Make Primary next to the name. Access can also be removed from a collaborator by clicking Remove Access next to the name. Only the Primary Collaborator can submit or finalize the application, as well as add other Collaborators. All Collaborators can view and edit the application. However, only one user can be editing the nomination at a time to avoid accidental overwriting of another's information.


Candidate election results will be announced on the IEEE Signal Processing Society website, newsletter and IEEE Signal Processing Magazine.


Call for Officer Nominations: President-Elect

Position: President-Elect
Deadline: 14 August 2024


On 1 May 2024, IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) President-Elect Kostas Plataniotis became SPS President, creating a President-Elect vacancy. The IEEE SPS Nominations and Appointments Committee now invites nominations for the IEEE SPS Officer position of President-Elect for the term starting 1 April 2025 pending timing of election results, and ending 31 December 2027. Subsequently, the President-Elect will automatically succeed to the President from 1 January 2028 to 31 December 2029. On 1 January 2030, they will automatically become the Past President and Chair of the SPS Nominations and Appointments Committee.

We will be holding a special election for the currently vacant President-Elect position as it will be held outside of the Society’s Annual Election Cycle. According to SPS Bylaw 303.1:

President-Elect Nomination Process. The Nominations and Appointments Committee shall make an open solicitation for nominations for the office of President-Elect, who shall serve on the Board of Governors for the succeeding term. If the need for a special election arises, it may be handled out of cycle provided that such solicitation shall occur no later than sixteen weeks prior to the Fall meeting of the Board of Governors. Special elections shall follow the same guidelines as the President-Elect election.

PRESIDENT-ELECT (Term: ending 31 December 2027)

The President-Elect shall chair the TC Review Committee and the Long-Range Planning and Implementation Committee, as well as act as the Society’s treasurer. The President-Elect shall be responsible for preparation of Society budgets, monitoring of the Society’s expenses, surpluses, and investments and shall act as liaison to the Board of Governors on all Strategic and Long-Range Planning activities. The President-Elect has the direct overall responsibilities for the development, design, operation, and improvement of the Society’s long-range planning, technical committee reviews, and the Society’s finances and reports to the President.

The duties of the President-Elect include the oversight of strategic and long-range planning activities for the Society, by means of conference calls and in-person meetings of the Long-Range Planning and Implementation Committee; chairing the Board of Governors Long-Range Planning Retreat and chairing the annual Executive Committee Strategic Planning meeting; preparing agendas and documentation for the retreats and tracking action items; preparation and forecasting of Society budgets as well as monitoring of the Society's expenses, surpluses, and investments; assisting in the creation of the TAB Five-Year Society Review document; and representing the Society at IEEE meetings or meetings of other organizations on strategic and long-range planning activities or on other Society activities as requested by the President or by the Society’s Board of Governors. The President-Elect provides guidance to the Conferences Board, Membership Board and Publications Board on matters concerning finances, including the Society’s membership fee, technical meeting registration prices, publication fees, page budgets, etc.

The President-Elect chairs the TC Review Committee and acts as a liaison to the Board of Governors regarding all activities of this committee.

The President-Elect chairs the Long-Range Planning and Implementation Committee and acts as a liaison to the Board of Governors for all strategic and long-range planning activities; the President-Elect serves on, and is a voting member of, the Society's Board of Governors, Executive Committee, Conferences Board, Membership Board and Publications Board. The President-Elect is also responsible for the minutes of the Board of Governors and Executive Committee.

NOTE: The President-Elect must have previously served as a Vice President of the Society. The President-Elect shall be an IEEE Fellow. The President-Elect position automatically succeeds to President.


As per Bylaw 303.3.a., the President-Elect shall serve two years in office; the President-Elect shall automatically succeed to the position of President, serving two years in that post. On becoming Past President, the Past President shall automatically become the Chair of the Nominations and Appointments Committee.


Submission of Nominations:

Please send your nominations via the online system. NOMINATIONS WILL CLOSE ON 14 AUGUST 2024, to facilitate the activities of the Nominations and Appointments Committee.

FOR EACH CANDIDATE RECEIVING TWO OR MORE NOMINATIONS, the Nominations and Appointments Committee shall obtain, in writing from the nominee, a statement confirming willingness to serve, if elected. Please note that in order for a nominee to move forward in the nomination stage, two nominations must be received for a single candidate, but one nomination must be from a member of the Board of Governors. Individuals may self-nominate provided that two other appropriate nominators second the self-nomination with one being a member of the Board of Governors. Board members are responsible for generating a second for their nominee.

When making your nomination, you will be responsible for providing the following information:

  • Candidate name
  • Candidate contact information
  • IEEE member number
  • IEEE Region
  • Candidate's brief background including information about current SP, IEEE, or other Society volunteer activities 
  • Statement of interest stating candidate’s vision for the position (up to 500 words)
  • Their commitment to adhere to IEEE’s code of ethics
  • Photo.

Manage Collaborators on Nomination

If multiple people are completing the nomination form, you can collaborate on filling the nomination form by clicking on the Manage Collaborators button in the top right corner of the nomination page. The Primary Collaborator, who is the person who started the nomination, can add additional Collaborators on the nomination by clicking the Add Collaborator button. Once a Collaborator is added, the application can be transferred to a new Primary Collaborator by clicking Make Primary next to the name. Access can also be removed from a collaborator by clicking Remove Access next to the name. Only the Primary Collaborator can submit or finalize the application, as well as add other Collaborators. All Collaborators can view and edit the application. However, only one user can be editing the nomination at a time to avoid accidental overwriting of another's information.


  • President-Elect petition process opens: 4 OCTOBER
    NOTE: all position criteria must be met to be considered a petition candidate. Please email George Olekson,, if you want to start a petition.
  • President-Elect petition process closes: 30 NOVEMBER

Voter Eligibility

The Society will submit a ballot for President-Elect to eligible voting members on record as of 18 October 2024.


Candidate election results will be announced on the IEEE Signal Processing Society website, newsletter and IEEE Signal Processing Magazine.

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