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Dear CI TC Members, Associate Members, and Affiliate Members,
On behalf of the IEEE CI TC Nominations and Elections Subcommittee, I would like to call for the nomination of new TC members to serve a 3-year term from January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2027.
Your active participation in identifying and nominating strong candidates will be very helpful for ensuring the continued health of the TC. We need to elect precisely 13 new members.
Newly elected TC members must be a member of IEEE-SPS during the term of service or will join if elected. Per IEEE-SPS rules, members can hold up to two consecutive terms, but must then be absent for no less than three years after the end of their second term before they are eligible to serve again.
There are 7 current members who are coming to the end of their first terms. These members are eligible to be re-elected, but must be renominated if they wish to be considered for a second term. The members who are eligible for this are:
Ali Cafer Gurbuz
Doga Gursoy
Yanting Ma
Vishal Monga
Greg Ongie
Karim Seghouane
Zhangyang "Atlas" Wang
There are also 6 current members who are coming to the end of their second terms and will be leaving the TC on December 31, 2024:
M. Salman Asif
Katherine L. Bouman
W. Clem Karl
Kiryung Lee
Jeff Simmons
Bihan Wen
TC Member Responsibilities:
It is expected that all TC members actively contribute to TC activities, including participating in TC subcommittees and volunteering to serve as an area chair for ICIP and/or ICASSP, as needed. Additionally, each TC member agrees to review papers for ICIP and ICASSP, as needed. Accepting a nomination for election to the TC implies accepting these commitments.
Nominations & Elections Process:
Nominations for members should be submitted through the following google form
no later than *September 15, 2024*. For the nomination you will need to use the form at this link
Please download the nomination form, fill out and save as a pdf. You may then submit the nomination form through the google form link (the first one above) which asks for the pdf nomination to be uploaded. Self-nominations are allowed. The election will take place during
October and results will be finalized in early November. Note that the form requires the nominator to describe the reasons for nominating the candidate and the potential value of the candidate to the CI TC. There is also space for the candidate to make a personal statement (optional).
When submitting nominations, please also keep diversity in mind: given the broad scope of our TC, having a diverse set of technically strong members makes for a more effective TC. Nominations of strong individuals who would help balance the TC are particularly encouraged.
Yuejie Chi
Chair, Nominations and Elections Subcommittee, CI TC
Subcommittee Members:
Katie Bouman, Joshua Rapp
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