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Past SPS Conferences and Events

This page contains past SPS Conferences & Workshop starting from 2011. Original conference or workshop websites have been archived and stored whenever possible. Events can include virtual events such as webinars, lectures, seasonal schools and more.


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24 Feb

SPS Webinar: Dr. Samet Akcay

Date: February 24, 2022
Time: 11:00 AM ET (New York Time)
Title: Recent Advances of Deep Learning within X-ray Security Imaging
Registration | Full webinar details

SPS-DSI (DEGAS) Webinar: Dr. Alexander Jung

Date: February 17, 2022
Time: 3:00 PM (Paris Time)
Title: Revisiting MIMO from a Circuits Perspective
Registration | Full webinar details

SAM TC Webinar: Dr. Sundeep Rangan

Date: January 27, 2022
Time: 10:00 AM ET (New York Time)
Title: Signal Processing for THz Communications
Registration | Full webinar details

26 Jan

SPS Webinar: Dr. Ba-Ngu Vo

Date: January 26, 2022
Time: 9:00 AM ET (New York Time)
Title: Bayesian Multi-object Tracking: Probability Hypothesis Density Filter and Beyond
Registration | Full webinar details

28 Dec 31 Dec

2021 IEEE SPS Seasonal School on Recent Advances in Artificial Intelligence for Signal Processing

December 28-31, 2021
Registration Deadline: N/A
Location: Hybrid - Hyderabad, India

20 Dec

SPS Webinar: Dr. Natsuki Ueno and Dr. Shoichi Koyama

Date: December 20, 2021
Time: 8:00 AM ET (New York Time)
Title: Infinite-Dimensional Expansion for Sound Field Estimation with Application to Spatial Audio
Registration | Full webinar details

Distinguished Lecture: Merouane Debbah (Technology Innovation Institute, UAE)

Lecture Date: December 15, 2021 -- Virtual Lecture
Chapter: Madras Chapter
Chapter Chair: S. Salivahanan
Topic: 6G: Current Research Trends and Open Challenges
Lecture details
6:00PM | (UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi | 2 hrs

14 Dec 17 Dec

(APSIPA ASC 2021) 2021 Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference

December 14-17, 2021
Location: Tokyo, Japan

Conference Paper Submission Deadline: 
01 July 2021

Distinguished Lecture: Akihiko (Ken) Sugiyama (Yahoo Japan Corporation, Japan)

Lecture Date: December 14, 2021 -- (Virtual Lecture)
Chapter: Gujarat
Chapter Chair: Chirag Paunwala
Topic: Hearable devices: new directions with new functions

13 Dec 17 Dec

(ASRU 2021) 2021 IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop (ASRU)

December 13-17, 2021
Location: Cartagena, Colombia

Conference Paper Submission Deadline: 
25 June 2021


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