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Computational Imaging

Technical Committee


The purpose of the Computational Imaging Technical Committee (CI TC) is to promote activities within the technical area of computational imaging, distinguished from image processing by the role of computation in the image formation process. The technical scope includes those areas listed under all EDICS categories of the IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging and under the EDICS subcategory Computational Imaging of IEEE Transactions on Image Processing.

Policies and Procedures

In the event of conflict between CI TC policies and procedures and those enacted by the SPS, the SPS policies and procedures take precedence.

2024 Call for Nomination of New CI Vice Chair

2024 Call for Nomination of New CI TC Members

SPACE Webinar Series 

YouTube links for the recordings of previous seminars are available at the SPACE webinar homepage.

CI TC Activity Calendar


IEEE SPS Educational Resources

IEEE SPS Resource Center

IEEE SPS YouTube Channel