Speech and Language Processing

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Postdoctoral researcher computational linguistics or computer science

Postdoctoral researcher - (computational linguistics or computer science)
Models of Intercomprehension in Speech and Language

Post doc position in Speech Processing

Aalto University (School of Electrical Engineering, Department of Signal Processing and Acoustics) invites applications for

Post doc position in Speech Processing

PhD Research Fellowships

You may have enjoyed reading about bots, artificial intelligence, machine learning, 

digital assistants, systems that support doctors, teachers, customers and help people.
Then, you would like to consider taking a front row seat and join the research team
that has been training intelligent machines and evaluating AI-based systems 
for more than two decades, collaborating with best research labs in the world and 
experimenting in the real-world.

Multimodal People Monitoring Using Sound

Name :    Multimodal people monitoring using sound (and vision)
Type :    Postdoc
Description :    The Idiap Research Institute together with Swiss Center for Electronics and Microtechnology (CSEM) invite applications for a post-doctoral position in research and development for multimodal people monitoring.
The position is funded for one year by Idiap (with a possible extension depending on his/her performance)

Postdoc in Speech and Speaker recognition for HMI devices

The Idiap Research Institute together with a global industry partner, leader in Consumer Electronics, invite applications for two post-doctoral positions in speech and speaker recognition for HMI devices. The positions are funded for two years by the Swiss Commission for Technology and Innovation (CTI), enabling a collaboration between Idiap and an innovative product company.

Natural Language Analyst

The Analyst will be a part of team who would be a brain behind building a new voice assistance or Artificial intelligence recognition Apps (like Siri/ Cortana/ Google assistance) for one of our world class mobile customer.

We need Bright Fresher’s who would help us to integrate the NLU engine for upgrade, who plan and execute feature upgrade cycles, who apply regression testing on NLU engine and understand the regression failure cases.

Roles and Requirements

Postdoctoral Position in Conversational AI/ NLP/ ML at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh

# Short summary:
Postdoctoral Research Associate in advanced machine learning
approaches for spoken dialogue systems/ conversational AI/ NLP at the Interaction Lab, Edinburgh (http://www.macs.hw.ac.uk/InteractionLab).
# Closing date: 4th January 2018
# Job Details:

Three post-doc positions in speech processing and deep reinforcement learning

Three Postdoctoral Researchers/Project Researchers (Speech processing and deep learning)

The University of Eastern Finland, UEF, is one of the largest multidisciplinary universities in Finland. We offer education in nearly one hundred major subjects, and are home to approximately 15,000 students and 2,500 members of staff. From 1 August 2018 onwards, we’ll be operating on two campuses, in Joensuu and Kuopio. In international rankings, we are ranked among the leading universities in the world.

PhD Stipend in Low-resource Keyword Spotting for Hearing Assistive Devices

Manual operation of hearing assistive devices is cumbersome in various situations. With advances in machine learning and speech technology, voice interfaces due to their convenience will be widely deployed for hearing assistive devices and they can be personalized and offer richer functionalities. Hearing assistive devices are characterized by strict memory and computational complexity constraints and the fact that they are expected to operate flawlessly, even in acoustically challenging situations.

Lead Speech Recognition Engineer

Lead Speech Recognition Engineer

Location: Cambridge, UK

Contact: careers@speechmatics.com



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