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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society
Contributed by Roberto López-Valcarce
(SPCOM TC Newsletter Subcommittee chair)
The Signal Processing for Communications and Networking Technical Committee (SPCOM TC) promotes activities addressing signal processing challenges in communications and networking. It can be placed at the point at which the IEEE Signal Processing (SPS), Communications (COMSOC), and Information Theory (IT) Societies overlap.
During Fall 2012, the SPCOM TC has elected eight new members starting their terms in 2013. We would like to give a warm welcome to the following six new members: Min Dong from the University of Ontario Institute of Technology; Kaibin Huang from Hong Kong Polytechnic University; Syed Jafar from the University of California, Irvine; Joakim Jaldén from Stockholm's Royal Institute of Technology; Michael Rabbat from McGill University; and Shengli Zhou from the University of Connecticut. Additionally, the membership of Amir Leshem and Zhi (Gerry) Tian has been renewed. We would like to thank retiring members Mats Begtsson, Daniel Palomar, Hamid Sadjadpour, Akbar Sayeed, Zhengdao Wang and Huaiyu Dai for their valuable contributions during their terms. We would also like to congratulate the SPCOM TC members that were elected to IEEE Fellows this year, namely Daniel Palomar and Zhi (Gerry) Tian. In addition, Sergio Barbarossa and Robert Heath have been successfully nominated as a Distinguished Lecturers of the IEEE SPS in the SPCOM area.
The main workshop of the SPCOM TC is the IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC), which is devoted to recent advances in signal processing for wireless and mobile communications, information and network theory. The General Co-Chairs Abdelhak Zoubir and Slawomir Stanczak are pleased to announce the 14th edition of SPAWC, which will be held on June 16-19, 2013 in Darmstadt, Germany. Five plenary talks will be given by Helmut Bölcskei, Zhi-Quan (Tom) Luo, H. Vincent Poor, Khaled Letaief and Gerhard Fettweis. We encourage you to join us for a great technical and social event at SPAWC'13 in Darmstadt.
During January 2013, the SPCOM TC members and affiliate/associate members have all been busy reviewing submissions to ICASSP 2013. This year we received a total of 384 submissions to the Signal Processing for Communications and Networking track, which is a 75% increase with respect to the 2012 edition of ICASSP. All of them were reviewed by at least 3 persons. ICASSP is the annual SPS flagship conference, and this year's edition will be held in Vancouver, Canada.
The SPCOM TC maintains a job opportunities website. We would like you to consider submitting a post to our website with any job openings or postdoc positions that your organization may have. For this and other information, please visit the SPCOM TC webpage.
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