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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society
The TAB Hall of Honor Selection Committee is accepting nominations for recipient(s) to be inducted into the “TAB Hall of Honor”.
The final 2013 recipient(s) will be determined by the IEEE Technical Activities Board at the November 2013 meeting. The deadline is 3 May 2013.
The "TAB Hall of Honor" has been established to honor those persons, living or deceased, who have made one or more major contribution(s) to IEEE Technical Activities. Contributions include the creation, development, or advancement of the technical objectives of the IEEE.
The contribution(s) must be to more than a single Society or Council, and the nominee must have been an IEEE member at the time of the contribution. Sitting members of the 2013 IEEE Technical Activities Board and the recently deceased (less than 1 year) are ineligible. Members of the Selection Committee and IEEE staff are also ineligible.
There will be one class of inductees per year, with two separate recipient categories. Recent contributions (within 5 years) and earlier contributions. Each category may have a maximum of three inductees per class.
For questions or to receive a nomination form, which will ask for a picture and citation suitable for use on the Hall of Honor site and a description of the accomplishment, please contact Paula Dunne. References also need to be provided. To review the Technical Activities objectives, please see Section 1.3 of the TAB Operations Manual.
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