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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society
The GlobalSIP2017 team is inviting Symposium proposals. GlobalSIP2017 will be held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada on November 14-16, 2017.
GlobalSIP, a relatively new signal processing society conference, has a format different from ICASSP and ICIP. It focuses on signal and information processing with the intent of encouraging industry participation and embracing hot or emerging research trends. GlobalSIP is comprised of co-located General Symposium and symposia selected based on responses to the call-for-symposia proposals. The idea is to distill the hottest research happening in Signal Processing.
Symposium proposals should contain the following information: title; duration (e.g., full day or half day); paper length, acceptance rate; name, address, and a short CV (up to 250 words) of the organizers, including the technical chairs (if any); a 1-page or 2-page description of the topics to be addressed, including timeliness and relevance to the signal processing community; names of (potential) members of the technical program committee; invited / potential speakers' name; a draft call for papers (1-page).
We would like to highlight some key points when generating a Symposium proposal:
• Industry Outreach: Each Symposium is required to include at least one industry component (e.g., an industry-academic panel discussion session, a Distinguished Symposium presentation or a regular presentation by an industry leader).
• Distinguished Symposium Presentations/Talks: Each symposium could have a fixed number of invited Distinguished Symposium Presentations (i.e., 1 for half-day Symposium and 2 for one-day Symposium), tutorials, or a panel discussion depending on the preference of the organizers.
• Flexible Symposium sessions: Symposium organizers are encouraged to offer oral sessions and poster sessions of a different type than that of a regular paper-focused conference. Examples can be panels, group brainstorming sessions, mini-tutorials, paper-less industry presentations, Ongoing Work tracks and proof of concept demonstration sessions.
• Interdisciplinary theme symposia are strongly encouraged.
More detailed information can be found in the Call-for-Symposia proposal and Symposium Proposal Preparation Guide at . The symposium technical committee nominated will manage these submissions.
The deadline for submitting the proposal is January 20, 2017. Please email your proposal to the Technical Program Committee (TPC) Chairs, at , and . For better consideration, proposers are strongly advised to submit their proposals as early as possible.
GlobalSIP2017 Organizing Committee
(Co-General Chairs: Warren Gross, Kostas Plataniotis
Co-Technical Chairs: Z. Jane Wang, Constantine Kotropoulos, Qionghai Dai)
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