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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society
Each year, the IEEE Board of Directors confers the grade of Fellow on up to one-tenth of one percent of the voting members. To qualify for consideration, an individual must have been a Member, normally for five years or more, and a Senior Member at the time for nomination to Fellow. The grade of Fellow recognizes unusual distinction in IEEE’s designated fields.
The Signal Processing Society congratulates the following 41 SPS members who were recognized with the grade of Fellow as of 1 January 2021:
Ahmed M. A. Ali, for leadership in high-speed analog-to-digital converter design and calibration.
Achintya Bhowmik, for leadership in perceptual augmentation devices.
Danijela Cabric, for contributions to theory and practice of spectrum sensing and cognitive radio systems.
Jianfei Cai, for contributions to multimedia transmission and content analysis.
Chan-byoung Chae, for contributions to MIMO design and prototypes for emerging communication systems.
Jingdong Chen, for contributions to microphone array processing and speech enhancement in noisy and reverberant environments.
Gene Cheung, for contributions to graph spectral image processing and interactive video streaming.
David Donoho, for contributions to sparse signal acquisition and processing.
Sharon Gannot, for contributions to acoustical modelling and statistical learning in speech enhancement.
Yifan Gong, for leadership in creating cloud speech recognition services in industry.
Wolfgang Heidrich, for contributions to high dynamic range display and computational cameras.
Xudong Jiang, for contributions to face and fingerprint image recognition.
Lori Lamel, for contributions to automatic speech recognition.
Kyoung Mu Lee, for contributions to image restoration and visual tracking.
Chunming Li, for contributions to computer vision and medical image analysis.
Houqiang Li, for contributions to video coding and multimedia content analysis.
Jiandong Li, for leadership in heterogeneous self-organizing wireless networks.
Yang Liu, for contributions to speech understanding and language learning technology.
Le Lu, for contributions to machine learning for cancer detection and diagnosis.
Matthew McKay, for contributions to random matrix theory in statistical signal processing.
Tomohiro Nakatani, for contributions to far-field signal processing for speech enhancement and recognition.
Hanchuan Peng, for contributions to visualization and quantitative analysis of large-scale biological data.
Ruhi Sarikaya, for leadership in spoken-language-processing and conversational understanding systems.
Gesualdo Scutari, for contributions to distributed optimization in signal processing and communications.
Ling Shao, for contributions to computer vision and representation learning.
Guangming Shi, for contributions to image representation and image reconstruction.
Hyundong Shin, for contributions to the analysis and design of wireless communication and networking.
Ivan Tashev, for contributions to audio signal processing systems and algorithms for commercial microphone arrays.
Wolfgang Utschick, for contributions to signal processing algorithms for multi-antenna communications systems.
Luisa Verdoliva, for contribution to multimedia forensics.
Tuomas Virtanen, for contributions to sound event detection and source separation.
Pascal Vontobel, for contributions to graphical models for channel coding.
Michael Wakin, for contributions to sparsity-based signal processing and compressive sensing.
Meng Wang, for contributions to multimedia content analysis and retrieval.
Yingxu Wang, for contributions to real-time autonomous systems.
Yongyi Yang, for contributions to medical image recovery and analysis.
Birsen Yazici, for contributions to synthetic aperture radar and passive imaging.
Junsong Yuan, for contributions to human behavior understanding and video analytics.
Xiao-Ping Zhang, for contributions to signal processing in finance.
Gan Zheng, for contributions to optimization and design of multiuser multiantenna communications.
Xiaoxiang Zhu, for contributions to artificial intelligence and data science in Earth observation and global urban mapping.
The following individuals were evaluated by the SPS, but are not SPS members:
Animashree Anandkumar, for contributions to theory and applications in signal processing, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.
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