SPS-IFS TC Webinar: 20 October 2022, presented by Dr. Emanuele Maiorana

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SPS-IFS TC Webinar: 20 October 2022, presented by Dr. Emanuele Maiorana

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Title: Wearable Biometrics: Novel Paradigms for Automatic People Recognition
Date: 20 October 2022
Time: 4:00 PM (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) 
Duration: Approximately 1 Hour
Presenters: Dr. Emanuele Maiorana


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Thanks to their ability to monitor physical activity and health-related parameters, wearable devices are becoming nowadays more and more popular. In addition to what they already offer, an interesting capability achievable through such devices is biometric recognition. The physiological traits recorded by wearable devices may in fact possess distinctive properties which could allow to recognize their legitimate users, and detect unauthorized usage. In this talk, we will discuss the most recent advances accomplished in this field, and analyze the current state of the art, as well as the related open issues. Systems relying on traits such as photoplethysmogram (PPG), electrodermal activity (EDA), and seismocardiogram (SCG) will be detailed as illustrative examples.


Emanuele Maiorana

Dr. Emanuele Maiorana received the Ph.D. degree with European Doctorate Label from Roma Tre University, Rome, Italy, in 2009.

He is currently Assistant Professor with the Department of Industrial, Electronic and Mechanical Engineering, Roma Tre University. His research interests are in the area of digital signal and image processing, with specific emphasis on biometric recognition. 
Dr. Maiorana was a recipient of the Lockheed Martin Best Paper Award for the Poster Track at the IEEE Biometric Symposium 2007, the Honeywell Student Best Paper Award at the IEEE Biometrics: Theory, Applications and Systems Conference 2008, and the Best Paper Award at the 11th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM) 2022. He was the General Chair of the 9th IEEE International Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics (IWBF) 2021. He is an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security and of the Hindawi Security and Communication Networks journals.


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