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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

Publications News

The Signal Processing Society has recently launched its first fully open access journal, the IEEE Open Journal of Signal Processing (OJ-SP). OJ-SP is dedicated to publishing high-impact, peer-reviewed articles on the innovations and emerging topics covering the full scope of signal processing. This fully open access journal welcomes papers addressing the theory, algorithms with associated architectures and implementations, and applications related to processing information.


2020 Multimedia Prize Paper Award Nomination Period is Open. Any paper published in T-MM in 2017, 2018, or 2019 is eligible. Judging shall be on the bases of originality, subject matter, timeliness, potential impact, and presentation quality.

Recent years have witnessed the rapid development of virtual reality (VR). Above 90% of VR content is in the form of 360° video, also called omnidirectional video or panoramic video. Generally speaking, 360° video offers immersive and interactive viewing experience, as the viewers are able to freely move their heads in the range of 360° × 180° to access different viewports. Therefore, the perception of 360° video is significantly different from that of traditional video.

2020 Multimedia Prize Paper Award Nomination Period is Open. Any paper published in T-MM in 2017, 2018, or 2019 is eligible. Judging shall be on the bases of originality, subject matter, timeliness, potential impact, and presentation quality.

Imaging of the human body using a number of different modalities has revolutionized the field of medicine over the past several decades and continues to grow at a rapid pace. More than ever, previously unknown information about biology and disease is being unveiled at a range of spatiotemporal scales. Although results and clinical adoption of strategies related to the computational and quantitative analysis of the images have lagged behind development of image acquisition approaches, there has been a noticeable increase of effort and interest in these areas in recent years. 

The process of forming images from measured data using computational algorithms is referred to as computational imaging. Rapid advances in computational hardware and signal processing algorithms have resulted in a flurry of activity in computational imaging in several application areas, including medicine, biology, remote sensing, and seismic imaging.

Well, it’s January 1st. An old year is behind us, and a new year is ahead of us. Many of us have made various New Year’s resolutions, and most of them are probably dealing with our lifestyles (e.g., eat healthy, exercise more, and similar resolutions that will last until the second week of January). In the spirit of holidays, I would like to propose that we all make a collective New Year’s resolution. It’s a simple resolution. We promise that we will review more papers (and/or grants).

The list of tables of contents (TOCs) are now available for December 2019. The TOCs are formatted to the style of its publication and offers links to the full issue on the front cover, as well as links to the individual articles in IEEEXplore®; simply mouse-over the article title and click on it.

The list of tables of contents (TOCs) are now available for November 2019. The TOCs are formatted to the style of its publication and offers links to the full issue on the front cover, as well as links to the individual articles in IEEEXplore®; simply mouse-over the article title and click on it. 

The list of tables of contents (TOCs) are now available for September 2019. The TOCs are formatted to the style of its publication and offers links to the full issue on the front cover, as well as links to the individual articles in IEEEXplore®; simply mouse-over the article title and click on it. 


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