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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

Society News

The Board of Governors of the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) elected two new officers who will start their terms on 1 January 2015. Also, six new Editors-in-Chief were appointed for IEEE Signal Processing Society journals starting 1 January 2015.

The IEEE Signal Processing Society Chapter of the Year Award will be presented for the fourth time in 2015. The award will be presented annually to a Chapter that has provided their membership with the highest quality of programs, activities and services.

The IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) invites nominations for the positions of: Director-Membership Services, Director-Industrial Relations, Director-Student Services and Chapters Committee Chair.

Do you know someone, living or deceased, who has made one or more major contribution(s) to IEEE Technical Activities? Now is your chance to nominate him or her for the Technical Activities Board Hall of Honor.

Nominees will be considered based on their contributions to the creation, development, or advancement of the technical objectives of IEEE.

The final 2014 recipient(s) will be determined by the IEEE Technical Activities Board at the November 2014 meeting. The nomination deadline has been extended to 4 August 2014.

The task of nominating a Senior Member for Fellow grade got easier with the new Fellow On-line System.

MGA would like to thank everyone for submitting their officer, meeting, and financial reports to IEEE in a timely manner. The reports are being reviewed, and rebates will start to be distributed to the geographic units by the end of May 2014.

The IEEE Signal Processing Society invites nominations for the 2015 Class of SPS Distinguished Lecturers (DLs). The deadline for nominations is 31 May 2014.

The SPS Awards Board is now accepting nominations for 2014 major SPS awards. Nominations should be submitted to Theresa Argiropoulos (, who will collect the nominations on behalf of Jose' M. F. Moura, Awards Board Chair. The award nominations will be vetted by the Awards Board. Prospective nominators are encouraged to submit nominations well in advance of the deadline of 1 September 2014.

The IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) Italy Chapter started as a joint Chapter between the IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems and Signal Processing Italy Chapters at the end of 2011. Professor Gaspare Galati successfully chaired, and still chairs, the IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Chapter in Italy.


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