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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

Society News


  • "Inside Signal Processing E-Newsletter": IEEE approved formal naming of E-Newsletter

  • Society News: BoG election due Sept 1; Call for nomination of SPM Best Column Award

  • Conference News: MMSP'09 call for proposal; Upcoming conferences and symposia

  • Journal News: Check out the new IEEE Applications and Practice Online Magazine

  • TC News: Exclusive report from the Sensor Array and Multichannel TC


  • Society News: Deng, Gershman, and Ward elected as BoG Members-at-Large

  • Call for nomination: SPM Best Column Award Due Nov. 1

  • Conference News: SSP'07 held in Madison, Wisconsin; Upcoming SP conferences & workshops

  • Journal News: Call for papers of new special issues from SPM and SPS journals

  • TC News: Exclusive report from the Signal Processing Theory and Methods TC


  • Society named Chellappa, De Mori, Djuric, Reibman, and Sidiropoulos 2008 Distinguished Lecturers

  • Conference News: Access the latest work and plenary talks given at MMSP'07

  • Journal News: Call for papers of new special issues from SPM and SPS journals

  • TC News: SPCOM TC officially extends its scope to Communications and Networking

  • Chapter News: Upcoming SPS Distinguished Lectures and local chapter activities


  • Society News: 2008 IEEE Fellows announced; Open-Access Educational Repository Effort with Connexions

  • Call for Nominations of Editor-In-Chief for five SPS Journals and Magazine

  • Conference News: Check out deadlines of upcoming SPS conferences and workshops

  • Journal News: Call for papers of new special issues from SPS journals

  • TC News: Exclusive report from the Bio Imaging and Signal Processing (BISP) TC


  • Society News: New Officers & Members-at-large; Gray and Reddy honored with IEEE Awards

  • Conference News: Check out deadlines of upcoming SPS conferences and workshops

  • Journal News: Call for papers of new special issues from SPS journals

  • TC News: Technical Committees elected new chairs; Activity update from MMSP TC

  • Chapter News: Chapters Congress to be held in March; Report from Toronto Chapter


  • Society News: SPS 2007 awards announced; Nikias & Fettweis honored with IEEE awards

  • Call for Nomination of Members-at-Large of the Board of Governors - Due 28 March 2008

  • Conference News: Free Tutorial at ICASSP'08 on SPS/CONNEXIONS open-source publishing

  • Publication News: New Editors-in-Chief selected for SPS journals; Special Issues opportunities

  • Chapter News: Exclusive activity report from Santa Clara Valley Chapter


  • Society News: Nominations open for SPS 2008 awards; IEEE launches MemberNet Directory

  • Conference News: Call for proposals to host MMSP 2010; Upcoming conference CfP and links

  • Publication News: Call for nominations of the IEEE Transactions on Multimedia Prize Paper Award

  • Chapter News: Upcoming Distinguished Lectures and chapter events around the world

  • Tech Trends/Standards: Compressive Sensing; Scalable Video Coding Extension of H.264


  • Society News: Nominations open for IEEE Sensors Council 2008 Awards

  • Conference News: Call for proposals to host 1st Workshop on Information Forensics & Security

  • Publication News: Special Issues Opportunities; Table of Contents of New Issues of SPS Journals

  • TC News: Exclusive Report from Industry DSP Technology Standing Committee

  • Chapter News: Upcoming Distinguished Lectures and Chapter Events


  • Society News: Call for Nominations of IEEE Medals and SPS Major Awards

  • Publication News: Special Issues Opportunities; Table of Contents of Recent SPS Journal Issues

  • TC News: Report from Signal Processing Education Technical Committee

  • Chapter News: Upcoming Distinguished Lectures and Chapter Events

  • Tech Trends/Standards: Signal Processing with Belief Propagation; "Seeing" Speech with MRI


  • Society News: Election of BoG Members-at-Large; SPS Members honored by IEEE and ASA awards

  • Conference News: ICASSP'09 paper submission open; CfP for Industry Technology Track

  • Publication News: SPM call for contributions; Table of Contents of recent SPS journal issues

  • TC News: Upcoming events sponsored by Technical Committees

  • Tech Trends/Standards: Spoken language technologies; Standards on high-efficiency audio coding


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