2022 IEEE SPS-EURASIP Summer School on Defining 6G

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2022 IEEE SPS-EURASIP Summer School on Defining 6G

2022 IEEE SPS-EURASIP Summer School on Defining 6G

Hardly has 5G become a reality, when the question of what 6G will be like is asked? That was the starting point when the 2022 IEEE SPS - EURASIP Summer School on Defining 6G was held at Linköping University, Sweden, in August 29-September 1, 2022. It was packed to the last seat when 119 people from 20 countries gathered around the theme "Defining 6G: Theory, Applications, and Enabling Technologies".

During a few intensive days there was a huge schedule with keynotes, technical lectures, poster presentations and interesting talks with subsequent discussions about the sixth generation of mobile network. "I am incredibly impressed by the energy we had for four days. With a packed lecture hall and with interesting lectures and discussions until the last minute, I sum it up as a huge success," says Erik G. Larsson, professor of communication systems at Linköping University. Together with Petar Popovski from Aalborg University in Denmark, he was mainly responsible for the arrangement.

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