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A one-week workshop on “Demystify Women Empowerment: A Societal Practice” was conducted by the Women Development Cell, Gender Cell, IEEE Student Branch and IEEE SPS Chapter of CKPCET in association with IEEE SPS Gujarat Chapter and IEEE Gujarat Section during 3-7 April, 2023 under the banner of IEEE Education Week celebration. This workshop is coordinated by Dr. Priti A. Patel - Convener WDC, Dr. Mita C. Paunwala – Coordinator Gender Cell and Dr. Amisha Shah – Faculty advisor, IEEE, student Chapter to accord hands on training on various aspects for overall development of girls subsequently which helpful to lead positive upheaval in society. The motto of the workshop is “Transform (Revolutionize) Self to Transform (Revolutionize) Society”. Total 50 girl students and female faculties had participated in the workshop from different branches/courses. Also, faculty from campus had attended sessions of their interest.
This one-week workshop was organized with renowned speaker such as Dr. Komal Shah and Dr. Heema Patel - Consultant Physiotherapist, Vadodara and Surat respectively and are also giving their service to society for wellbeing of people. Dr. Komal is an author of book – “The big book for All Aged Women.” Dr. Komal had explained girls about menses cycle and how it will be dealt as this duration may causes some physical and mental glitches. Both experts had demonstrated and trained participant with certain basic yagosana to get relief from the discomfort caused due to menses cycle.
Mr. Pamir Shah – Director, Dynamic warrior Martial Art Academy and is actively involved with different NGO to solve cases of sexual abuse in South Gujarat region. He had trained the participant with different simple techniques of martial art during his session. He had also guided girls regarding what to do when faced with assault, be it at the workplace, on the streets or even at home.
Dr. Pratha Jhala - Assistant Professor, Department of Business and Industrial Management, VNSGU, Surat. She had guided participants to flourish as a women leader by learning management rules and understanding those rules with help of simple games.
Ms. Baljeet H. Shah - HR Head, Sun Pharmaceuticals Industries Ltd., Panoli had trained girls participants how to thrive in the corporate world as a women employee. She also briefed the participants on how to manage the stress which occurs at the industry due to work pressure and edified the participant for a true perspective of equality.
All sessions were very interactive for participants due to discussion, interaction and hands on training methods adopted by experts. This workshop had catered great guidance to girl participants for exploring and learning of different perspectives to demystify women empowerment and to be a part to transform society.
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