A Message from the SPS President-Elect Candidate: Nicholas Sidiropoulos

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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

A Message from the SPS President-Elect Candidate: Nicholas Sidiropoulos

A Message from the SPS President-Elect Candidate: 
Nicholas Sidiropoulos

Nicholas Sidiropoulos

The IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) is holding a Special Election for President-Elect between February 6 – March 26, 2025.

Many of you may be wondering why SPS is having this special out-of-cycle election. I encourage you to find out the facts.

I’m a candidate on the ballot thanks to the support of members like you.




We have lots to celebrate in SPS, but we also face important challenges. We should:

  • Turn ICASSP and ICIP into major industry recruiting events for our students.
  • Offer open access for our flagship transactions at an affordable price.
  • Address the growing dissatisfaction with peer review and the spiraling use of AI.  

Make SPS a more diverse and inclusive community that not only upholds but actively cultivates ethical leadership and accountability, through ethics and leadership training programs.

I’m eager to start working on these important initiatives. I have a broad and deep technical and organizational knowledge of SPS, forged over 35 years of volunteering from the trenches up to senior leadership positions. I spearheaded the introduction of the first engineering repository under arXiv, which now attracts many thousands of SP preprints per year, significantly enhancing the visibility and accessibility of SP research. As the SPS Vice President-Membership, I led a charge to reduce SPS membership fees for members in developing countries, and another to ensure proper representation of the different technical constituencies within SPS on the Awards Board, the Nominations & Appointments Committee, and the SPS Fellow Evaluation Committee, which I chaired for two years during the pandemic.

I have a track record of ethical and effective leadership, and the vision and will to make SPS better. Please Vote (Feb. 6 - Mar. 26, 2025) to support my candidacy.

Find out more:

Election site: https://sites.google.com/virginia.edu/sidiropoulosforsps-pe?usp=sharing

Google scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=ZOkfkFMAAAAJ&hl=en

Webpage: https://nikossidiropoulos.github.io/


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