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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society
The IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) has planned to launch the Ambassador Program. This initiative aims to provide a platform for our valuable members to become more involved in the Society. It is not a formal, defined role, but rather an approachable and simple way for members at different levels to engage with the resources and messaging provided by the Society. Ambassadors will network with other members, in particular students and young professionals, and encourage them to join the SPS community. Ambassadors can also serve as potential candidates for the committees and subcommittees within SPS.
Ambassadors will be encouraged to engage in any activities related to signal processing, such as writing articles, blogging, podcasting, posting/sharing SPS news on social media, giving presentations, conducting webinars, etc. A virtual training program will be provided for Ambassadors to equip them with information about SPS, as well as their possible roles and activities.
We plan to conduct a small pilot of around 10 Ambassadors for a period of approximately eight months, during which we will gather feedback from the Ambassadors to refine the program.
Candidates who are Student Members should be nominated by an SPS Full Member, while a Full Member can self-nominate.
Here is the timeline for the program:
Criteria for selection: The nominee must have been an SPS student member or above for at least six months. The selection will consider their experience in participating in SPS activities and the statement on how they will support the Ambassador Program.
Please submit this form to the IEEE SPS Vice President-Membership Kenneth Lam on or before 24 January 2024. The subject of your email should be “IEEE SPS Ambassador Nomination”.
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