PhD position "Audio-Based Emotion Recognition"

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PhD position "Audio-Based Emotion Recognition"

Signal Processing (SP), Universität Hamburg
Country of Position: 
Contact Name: 
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Timo Gerkmann
Subject Area: 
Audio and Acoustic Signal Processing
Start Date: 
14 April 2020
Expiration Date: 
01 June 2020
Position Description: 

Due to the recent situation we decided to extend the deadline for our open position on emotion recognition:

The Signal Processing (SP) research group at the Universität Hamburg in Germany is hiring a Research Associate / PhD student.

The goal of the successful candidate is to design signal processing and machine learning algorithms to automatically detect emotional expressions from recorded audio data. Challenges include speaker localization and diarization (often with overlapping speech), identification of discrete behaviors (e. g. laughter), and expansion to higher, more abstract levels of socioemotional behaviors.

This project is part of the interdisciplinary research group "Mechanisms of Change in Dynamic Social Interactions", which integrates fundamental science, innovative methods, and applications in psychology and computer science.

Please find the full job announcement with all details here

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Timo Gerkmann

Signal Processing (SP)

Universität Hamburg
Vogt-Kölln-Str. 30, F-126

22527 Hamburg


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