ICASSP 2024 SP Grand Challenge on Hyperspectral Skin Vision: ICASSP 2024

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ICASSP 2024 SP Grand Challenge on Hyperspectral Skin Vision: ICASSP 2024


Introducing ICASSP 2024 SPGC competition aiming at reconstructing skin spectral reflectance in the visible (VIS) and near-infrared (NIR) spectral range from RGB images captured by everyday cameras, offering a transformative approach for cosmetic and beauty applications. By reconstructing the skin spectral reflectance in both VIS and NIR spectrum, this competition aims to provide rich hyperspectral information accessible on consumer devices. With the reconstructed skin spectral, we pave the way for the creation of personalized beauty and skincare solutions directly through consumers' smartphones and other accessible devices. With the goal of democratizing skin analysis and advancing the field of beauty technology, this competition invites computer vision researchers, machine learning experts, and cosmetic professionals to contribute to a future where personalized beauty and skincare are accessible to all.

Visit the Challenge website for details and more information!


Technical Committee: Bio Imaging and Signal Processing, Image, Video, and Multidimensional Signal Processing

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