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In this manuscript, we propose to use a variational autoencoder-based framework for parameterizing a conditional linear minimum mean squared error estimator. The variational autoencoder models the underlying unknown data distribution as conditionally Gaussian, yielding the conditional first and second moments of the estimand, given a noisy observation. The derived estimator is shown to approximate the minimum mean squared error estimator by utilizing the variational autoencoder as a generative prior for the estimation problem. We propose three estimator variants that differ in their access to ground-truth data during the training and estimation phases. The proposed estimator variant trained solely on noisy observations is particularly noteworthy as it does not require access to ground-truth data during training or estimation. We conduct a rigorous analysis by bounding the difference between the proposed and the minimum mean squared error estimator, connecting the training objective and the resulting estimation performance. Furthermore, the resulting bound reveals that the proposed estimator entails a bias-variance tradeoff, which is well-known in the estimation literature. As an example application, we portray channel estimation, allowing for a structured covariance matrix parameterization and low-complexity implementation. Nevertheless, the proposed framework is not limited to channel estimation but can be applied to a broad class of estimation problems. Extensive numerical simulations first validate the theoretical analysis of the proposed variational autoencoder-based estimators and then demonstrate excellent estimation performance compared to related classical and machine learning-based state-of-the-art estimators.
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