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AI for THz UM-MIMO: From Model-Driven Deep Learning to Foundation Models

Date: 25-February-2025
Time: 9:00 AM ET
Duration: Approximately 1 hour
Presenter: Wentao Yu 

Physics Makes Black-box Deep Learning Models Transparent

Prof. Zicheng Liu

Electromagnetic inverse scattering problems (ISPs) are crucial in noninvasive imaging but challenging due to nonlinearity and computational costs. This blog explores machine learning-based ISP solvers with physics-guided loss functions, emphasizing the role of near-field priors and multiple-scattering effects. Numerical experiments highlight the advantages and limitations of these approaches.

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2022 IEEE SPS Seasonal School on AI for Optimisation in Signal Processing

July 11-15, 2022
Registration Deadline: July 5, 2022
Location: Virtual

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