Speech and Language Processing

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Faculty Positions (Open Rank)

The Department of Computer Science at the University of Texas at El Paso invites applications for two open-rank faculty positions starting Fall 2021 in the areas of Spoken Language Processing, Machine Learning, Computer Systems, or Software Engineering. For details, including required qualifications and application instructions, please visit https://www.utep.edu/employment.  We welcome those working in both core SLT areas and in interdisciplinary areas.  Informal inquiries may be directed to Professor Nigel Ward:

PhD Studentships in AI for Sound

The AI for Sound project (https://ai4s.surrey.ac.uk/) in the Centre for Vision, Speech and Signal Processing (CVSSP) at the University of Surrey is offering the following PhD studentships in AI for Sound, available from 1 October 2021: (1) Automatic sound labelling for broadcast audio (2) Information theoretic learning for sound analysis (UK applicants) Application Deadline: 1 August 2021 CVSSP also has a number of ongoing PhD studentship opportunities for outstanding PhD candidates in all aspects of audio-visual signal processing, computer vision an

Research Associate in Speech Synthesis

We are looking for a motivated and talented individual to work on a two-year UKRI-funded project in the area of expressive speech synthesis. Follow https://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/CHB468/research-associate-in-speech-synthesis to apply and learn more details about the post.The deadline for submitting applications is July 23, 2021.

Intelligent Speech Interfaces - Assistant Professorship with Tenure Track

The Faculty of Engineering at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) invites applications for a

Tenure Track Professorship for Intelligent Speech Interfaces

(W1 / Assistant Professor)

JOB: Research Fellow in Machine Learning for Sound

Research Fellow in Machine Learning for Sound Location: University of Surrey, Guildford, UK Closing Date: Wednesday 16 June 2021 (23:00 GMT) Applications are invited for a 3-year Research Fellow in Machine Learning for Sound, to work full-time on an EPSRC-funded Fellowship project "AI for Sound" (https://ai4s.surrey.ac.uk/), to start on 1 July 2021 or as soon as possible thereafter.

Postdoctoral fellow - Sound representation in complex environments

A postdoctoral research position is available at Johns Hopkins University in the laboratory of Dr. Mounya Elhilali to investigate representation of complex sounds in both biological and artificial networks. The position is available immediately for two years, with possibility of renewal.

The ideal applicant will have a doctoral degree in computer science, electrical engineering, applied mathematics, neuroscience, psychology, hearing or brain sciences, with strong quantitative skills.

Research Scientist - Speech Technology

The speech technology research group at the IBM T. J. Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights, NY is seeking research scientist candidates with demonstrated publication records in top machine learning, speech, vision, or natural language processing conferences. The role will focus on fundamental research on speech recognition models and algorithms, in collaboration with other IBM researchers and the IBM Data and AI development organization, as well as delivery of new technologies into IBM's Watson speech services.

Speech and Deep Learning Researcher (KTP Associate)

We are inviting applications for a Speech and Deep Learning Researcher to work with Prof Thomas Hain and Dr Anton Ragni at The University of Sheffield and ZOO Digital PLC, an innovative international media localisation company with its research and development centre in Sheffield. 


To apply: https://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/CFP768/speech-and-deep-learning-researcher-ktp-associate


Postdoctoral Position in Pathological Speech Processing

Title: Sparse predictive models for the analysis and classification of pathological speech

Duration: from 01/11/2021 to 31/12/2022 (could be extended to an advanced position)

Required Knowledge and background: A solid knowledge in speech/signal processing; A good mathematical background; Basics of machine learning; Programming in Matlab and Python.


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