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The Latest News, Articles, and Events in Signal Processing

August 31 - September 3, 2020
NOTE: IWAENC 2020 has been postponed to 2021

October 20-22, 2020
NOTE: Location changed to--Virtual Conference

Mid Sweden University

The goal of the project is to design an architecture and self-learning algorithms that can optimize and guarantee deterministic QoS of individual traffic flows whilst maximizing network resource efficiency. The general QoS architecture for end-to-end communication of heterogeneous types of traffic will include routing and scheduling for each traffic type and admission control possibly with QoS renegotiations and with shaping and spacing.

IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging

The image blurring that results from moving a camera with the shutter open is normally regarded as undesirable. However, the blurring of the images encapsulates information that can be extracted to recover the light rays present within the scene. Given the correct recovery of the light rays that resulted in a blurred image, it is possible to reconstruct images...

IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging

The intrinsically limited spatial resolution of positron emission tomography (PET) confounds image quantitation. This paper presents an image deblurring and super-resolution framework for PET using anatomical guidance provided by high-resolution magnetic resonance (MR) images. The framework relies on image-domain postprocessing of already-reconstructed PET images by means of spatially variant deconvolution stabilized by an MR-based joint entropy penalty function.

IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging

DUAL-energy computed tomography (DECT) differentiates materials by exploiting the varying material linear attenuation coefficients (LACs) for different x-ray energy spectra. Multi-material decomposition (MMD) is a particularly attractive DECT clinical application to distinguish the complicated material components within the human body. 


Open Postdoc position (short-term and long-term) in Advanced Communications and Distributed Computing at EURECOM (English Speaking Ivy-League School in the French Riviera)

The list of tables of contents (TOCs) are now available for November 2019. The TOCs are formatted to the style of its publication and offers links to the full issue on the front cover, as well as links to the individual articles in IEEEXplore®; simply mouse-over the article title and click on it. 

The IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) announced the 2020 Class of Distinguished Lecturers and Distinguished Industry Speakers for the term of 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2021, which are noted below.  The IEEE SPS Distinguished Lecturer (DL) Program provides a means for Chapters to have access to well-known educators and authors in the fields of signal processing to lecture at Chapter meetings. 

Beginning this year, all eligible IEEE Signal Processing Society Members were able to cast their vote for the next IEEE Signal Processing Society President-Elect. The President-Elect will sit on the IEEE Signal Processing Society Board of Governors beginning 1 January 2020 and will serve until 31 December 2021, when they will be elevated to Society President. 

The Signal Processing Society is pleased to announce the 5-Minute Video Clip Contest (5-MICC) at ICASSP 2020 in Barcelona (May 4-8). The topic chosen this year is Beamforming and the submitted video can cover any aspects of beamforming related areas.

Santa Clara University

Ph.D. positions with full financial support are now available in Dr. Ying Liu’s group in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Santa Clara University (SCU). Dr. Liu is looking for self-motivated PhD students to work on image/video processing, machine learning and deep learning. Visiting scholars and students are also welcome. 

New enhancements to the display of Section and Chapter data are now available in the Geographic Map within OU Analytics. Boundaries have been expanded to incorporate additional Sections/Subsections not previously included. 

New and improved monthly statistics reports are now available containing enriched visual analytics dashboards that can be used for monthly trending.  These comprehensive dashboards improve efficiency by allowing OUs to quickly access data that is relevant to them by OU, Region, Section, Grade, Division, etc.

As a reminder for continuing chapter chairs and for incoming chapter chairs for 2019, we would like to highlight a valuable resource available to you. Launched last year was IEEE OU Analytics, a web-based business intelligence tool to deliver essential metrics on memberships or subscriptions to OUs, including Societies, Councils, Technical Communities, etc. 

The title of "Memberships, Subscriptions, and More..." dashboard on the OU Analytics landing page has been renamed to add a parenthetical reference within the title to include (Societies, TCs, Affinities). There has been some confusion as to the content provided within the "Members and Affiliates" versus the "Memberships, Subscriptions, and More..." dashboard. 

Please be advised that IEEE gauges the vitality of a chapter by tracking how many meetings are reported during the year through vTools.  If a chapter reports "0" meetings for three consecutive years, the chapter is placed on a dissolution list that is reviewed at the November Board Meeting. 

IEEE Signal Processing Magazine

Many of us marveled in awe in March 2018 at the sight of the Ghana teacher who, using colored chalk, drew on his blackboard a snapshot of how an open window of the Microsoft Word software would look like on the screen of a computer...

IEEE Signal Processing Magazine

This is an age of mobility. Phones, tablets, notebook computers, smart watches, and various other devices now supply people around the world with instant communication capabilities that were only dreamed of a generation ago. Mobility technologies are also transforming medicine, helping to improve the quality of care for people at all stages of life, giving both patients and healthcare providers deeper...


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