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The Latest News, Articles, and Events in Signal Processing

The Signal Processing Society (SPS) has 12 Technical Committees that support a broad selection of signal processing-related activities defined by the scope of the Society.

Tomas Mikolov is the creator of Word2Vec which was developed in 2013 by a group of researchers led by him at Google Brain and has been widely used since then (28,000 citations). He is a pioneer for leveraging Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) for natural language which replaced n-gram language models that were state of the art for decades.

The IEEE Signal Processing Society has developed guidelines related to SPS Chapter social media and Chapter Activities.

The Nominations and Appointments Subcommittee for each Technical Committee is currently seeking nominations for new Members, as well as the Vice Chair position for some Technical Committees. Nominations for both positions should be submitted directly to each Technical Committee’s Nominations and Appointments Subcommittee. Please provide the name, contact information and biography with the nomination.

In an effort to continue our programs and services during this difficult time, the SPS Awards Board is now accepting nominations for all Society level awards, from paper awards to the major society awards. Nominations are due by 1 September 2021.

Portland State University

The Computational Imaging Lab in the Department of Computer Science at Portland State University is hiring a graduate student starting Winter/Spring 2022. This is a fully funded PhD student position and includes a monthly stipend and tuition waiver. The position will be for 1 year, initially, and will be renewed for up to a maximum of 5 years (subject to satisfactory progress and availability of funding).

IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing

This paper addresses the problem of target detection against a background of Gaussian clutter by using frequency snapshots with reduced degrees of freedom (DOF). We derive the optimal detector and detection performance under the Neyman-Pearson criterion for general frequency snapshot selection with arbitrary DOF. When the clutter statistics are unknown, we use a uniformly random frequency snapshot selection method and show how the DOF employed affects the detection performance. 

IEEE Open Journal of Signal Processing

Target source extractionis significant for improving human speech intelligibility and the speech recognition performance of computers. This study describes a method for target source extraction, called the similarity-and-independence-awarebeamformer (SIBF). The SIBF extracts the target source using a rough magnitude spectrogram as the reference signal. The advantage of the SIBF is that it can obtain a more accurate signal than the spectrogram generated by target-enhancing methods such as speech enhancement based on deep neural networks. 

IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing

Spatial registration and track-to-track association (which are mutually coupled) are essential parts in the process of multi-sensor information fusion. The quality of the spatial registration and track association algorithm directly influences the subsequent fusion performance.

IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks

This paper considers the problem of decentralized consensus optimization over a network, where each node holds a strongly convex and twice-differentiable local objective function. Our goal is to minimize the sum of the local objective functions and find the exact optimal solution using only local computation and neighboring communication.

IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks

Novel Monte Carlo estimators are proposed to solve both the Tikhonov regularization (TR) and the interpolation problems on graphs. These estimators are based on random spanning forests (RSF), the theoretical properties of which enable to analyze the estimators’ theoretical mean and variance.

IEEE Transactions on Multimedia

The video captioning task aims to describe video content using several natural-language sentences. Although one-step encoder-decoder models have achieved promising progress, the generations always involve many errors, which are mainly caused by the large semantic gap between the visual domain and the language domain and by the difficulty in long-sequence generation.

IEEE Transactions on Multimedia

The prevailing use of both images and text to express opinions on the web leads to the need for multimodal sentiment recognition. Some commonly used social media data containing short text and few images, such as tweets and product reviews, have been well studied. However, it is still challenging to predict the readers’ sentiment after reading online news articles, since news articles often have more complicated structures, e.g., longer text and more images.

IEEE Transactions on Multimedia

Recently, dense video captioning has made attractive progress in detecting and captioning all events in a long untrimmed video. Despite promising results were achieved, most existing methods do not sufficiently explore the scene evolution within an event temporal proposal for captioning, and therefore perform less satisfactorily when the scenes and objects change over a relatively long proposal. To address this problem, we propose a graph-based partition-and-summarization (GPaS) framework for dense video captioning within two stages.

IEEE Transactions on Image Processing

Diversity “multiple description” (MD) source coding promises graceful degradation in the presence of a priori unknown number of erased packets in the channel. A simple coding scheme for the case of two packets consists of oversampling the source by a factor of two and delta-sigma quantization. This approach was applied successfully to JPEG-based image coding over a lossy packet network, where the interpolation and splitting into two descriptions are done in the discrete cosine transform (DCT) domain.

IEEE Transactions on Image Processing

Video surveillance and its applications have become increasingly ubiquitous in modern daily life. In video surveillance system, video coding as a critical enabling technology determines the effective transmission and storage of surveillance videos. In order to meet the real-time or time-critical transmission requirements of video surveillance systems, the low-delay (LD) configuration of the advanced high efficiency video coding (HEVC) standard is usually used to encode surveillance videos.

IEEE Transactions on Image Processing

RGB-thermal salient object detection (SOD) aims to segment the common prominent regions of visible image and corresponding thermal infrared image that we call it RGBT SOD. Existing methods don’t fully explore and exploit the potentials of complementarity of different modalities and multi-type cues of image contents, which play a vital role in achieving accurate results.

IEEE Transactions on Image Processing

We propose a neural network model to estimate the current frame from two reference frames, using affine transformation and adaptive spatially-varying filters. The estimated affine transformation allows for using shorter filters compared to existing approaches for deep frame prediction. The predicted frame is used as a reference for coding the current frame.

IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security

Machine learning techniques have been widely applied to various applications. However, they are potentially vulnerable to data poisoning attacks, where sophisticated attackers can disrupt the learning procedure by injecting a fraction of malicious samples into the training dataset. Existing defense techniques against poisoning attacks are largely attack-specific: they are designed for one specific type of attacks but do not work for other types, mainly due to the distinct principles they follow.


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