Call for Nominations - IEEE Division IX Director

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Call for Nominations - IEEE Division IX Director

The IEEE Division IX Division-Director Nominating Committee invites nominations for the position of Division IX Director. Division Directors are elected to the IEEE Board by members of Societies they represent.  They first serve as Directors-elect before becoming Directors and Members of the IEEE Board.  Division Directors represent the membership of his/her Division in the IEEE Assembly as a voting delegate.

Division Directors are also members of the IEEE Board of Directors, the governing body in the IEEE. In addition, Division Directors are voting members of the Technical Activities Board (TAB), and are encouraged to actively participate on TAB and its standing committees. They are encouraged, in their elect-year(s), to volunteer to serve on committees or Boards outside of Technical Activities, in order to gain a broader perspective of IEEE.  The term is a three-year commitment: One-year term as Director-elect (2011), and a two-year term as Division Director (2012-2013).

Division IX includes the following Societies: Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society; Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society; Information Theory Society; Intelligent Transportation Systems Society; Oceanic Engineering Society; Signal Processing Society; and Vehicular Technology Society.

Nominations for the position of Division IX Director should be submitted to Fred Mintzer <f.mintzer AT>, Chair, Division IX Division-Director Nominating Committee no later than 29 January 2010. Candidates must be an IEEE member in good standing; IEEE Senior Member grade or higher; and a member of at least one Society in Division IX. Each candidate must submit the following information to Fred Mintzer <f.mintzer AT>, no later than 29 January 2010.

- Biography - 150 words
- IEEE Accomplishments as an IEEE volunteer - 200 words
- Statement - 175 words
- IEEE Activities - no word count limit


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