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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society
Contributed by Giuseppe Di Fabbrizio (SLTC Newsletter Editor)
The IEEE Speech and Language Processing Technical Committee (SLTC) has participated in organizing several remarkable events since last fall. First of all, the eleventh biannual IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding (ASRU) Workshop was hosted on December 13-17, 2009 in the historical Kurhaus Theatre in Merano, Italy. The beautiful Art Nouveau building hosted 180 attendees from all over the world. A total of 223 papers were submitted for the poster sessions and 96 accepted. Downloadable lecture presentations and other details of the workshop are available at the ASRU'10 website. ASRU 2011 will be hosted in Honolulu, Hawaii.
The 35th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP) took place in Dallas, TX on March 14-19, 2010. ICASSP is the most attended IEEE Signal Processing Society international conference. Of a total of 2855 paper submissions, 511 papers were in the speech processing area (249 accepted), and 110 papers in the spoken language processing field (59 accepted) with a total contribution of 308 published papers from the SLTC community. John Hansen, our newly elected SLTC Vice-Chair, served as the ICASSP 2010 Technical Program Chair. ICASSP2011 will be hosted in Prague, Czech Republic.
Paper submission will soon open for the third IEEE Workshop on Spoken Language Technology (SLT 2010) to be held in Berkeley, California on December 12-15, 2010. SLT is technically co-sponsored by IEEE, the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), and the International Speech Communication Association (ISCA), with the goal of bringing speech and language communities together to discuss and present advances and challenges in the area of spoken language processing.
Finally, we would like to extend our sincere congratulations to the two SLTC members for receiving major IEEE SPS awards and recognitions: Shrikanth (Shri) Narayanan for Distinguished Lecturer (2010-2011), and Isabel M. Trancoso for Meritorious Service Award.
For more information, please visit the following links: SLTC web site and SLTC roster. The Spring 2010 issue of the SLTC eNewsLetter is now available online! To subscribe to the SLTC Newsletter, please send an email with the command "subscribe speechnewsdist" in the message body to listserv [at] listserv (dot) ieee [dot] org.
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