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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society
Contributed by Fa-Long Luo (Chaiman of the IDSP-SC and Liaison to eNews)
Like other Technical Committees of the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS), the Industry DSP Technology Standing Committee (IDSP-SC) has the following major functions and activities from an administrative point of view: (i) the organization of the Industry Technology Track (ITT) for each year’s ICASSP and participation in the newly launched conference series IEEE-ESPA (emerging signal processing applications), (ii) nomination of papers for all the IEEE SPS paper awards, (iii) nomination of individuals for IEEE SPS major awards and IEEE fellow, (iv) organization of special issues for SPS publications and special sessions for SPS flagship conferences. On the other hand, due to the fact that most members of IDSP-SC are selected from outstanding individuals in industry, its mission is mainly to promote emerging signal processing applications and industry technology and also to promote industry participation in the SPS and IEEE. To accomplish its mission, IDSP-SC has recently been forming and re-organizing the following subcommittees.
Anyone who is interested in becoming involved with or contributing to the above activities, please contact Fa-Long Luo, the current chairman of the IDSP-SC.
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