Upcoming Distinguished Lectures – September 2011

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Upcoming Distinguished Lectures – September 2011


SPS Distinguished Lectures

Chapter Dates Distinguished Lecturer Lecture Details
Australian Capital Terriorty 23 Nov 2011 Rick Blum (Lehigh University) Lecture topic: "Sensor Networking for Detection: From Distributed Detection to Energy Savings and MIMO Radar". Contact Chapter Chair Abd-Krim Seghouane at abd-krim.seghouane@nicta.com.au for more information.
Central Iowa 26 Oct 2011 Patrick Flandrin (CNRS-ENS Lyon) Lecture topic: "Testing for Stationarity". Contact Chapter Chair Aditya Ramamoorthy at adityar@iastate.edu for more information.
Dallas 17 Oct 2011 Ricardo de Queiroz (Campus Universitario Darcy Ribeiro – Asa Norte) Contact Chapter Chair Nasser Kehtarnavaz at kehtar@utdallas.edu for more information.
Eastern North Carolina 21 Oct 2011 Abdelhak Zoubir (Technische Universität Darmstadt) Contact Chapter Chair H. Joel Trussell at hjt@ncsu.edu for more information.
Hong Kong 20-21 Sept 2011 Abdelhak Zoubir (Technische Universität Darmstadt) Contact Chapter Chair Lai-Man Po at eelmpo@cityu.edu.hk for more information.
Houston 13 Oct 2011 Ricardo de Queiroz (Campus Universitario Darcy Ribeiro – Asa Norte) Contact Chapter Chair Richard G. Baraniuk at richb@rice.edu for more information.
Madison 28 Oct 2011 Patrick Flandrin (CNRS-ENS Lyon) Lecture topic: "Chirps Everywhere". Contact Chapter Chair David A. Marca at dmarca@openprocess.com for more information.
Malaysia 17 Nov 2011 Rick Blum (Lehigh University) Lecture topic: "Sensor Networking for Detection: From Distributed Detection to Energy Savings and MIMO Radar". Contact Chapter Chair Mohammad Faizal Ahmad Fauzi at faizal1@mmu.edu.my for more information.
Queensland 25 Nov 2011 Rick Blum (Lehigh University) Lecture topic: "Sensor Networking for Detection: From Distributed Detection to Energy Savings and MIMO Radar". Contact Chapter Chair Anagiyaddage Srilal Jayalath at dhammika.jayalath@qut.edu.au for more information
Rochester 19 Oct 2011 Ricardo de Queiroz (Campus Universitario Darcy Ribeiro – Asa Norte) Contact Chapter Chair Dhiraj Joshi at dhirajjoshi16@gmail.com for more information.
South Australia 21 Nov 2011 Rick Blum (Lehigh University) Lecture topic: "Sensor Networking for Detection: From Distributed Detection to Energy Savings and MIMO Radar". Contact Chapter Chair Luke Balzan at lbalzan@eleceng.adelaide.edu.au for more information.
South Brazil 24-25 Nov 2011 Patrick Flandrin (CNRS-ENS Lyon) Lecture topic: “Wavelet Tools for Scaling Processes” at the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP); Lecture topic: “Empirical Mode Decompositions, From Basics to Recent Results” at the University of Sao Paulo (USP). Contact Chapter Chair Vitor Nascimento at vitornasc@gmail.com for more information.
South Brazil 10-11 Oct 2011 Abdelhak Zoubir (Technische Universität Darmstadt) Lecture topic: "The Bootstrap Paradigm in Signal Processing", at the University of Sao Paulo (USP); Lecture topic to be determined, at the Aeronautical Institute of Technology (ITA). Contact Chapter Chair Vitor Nascimento at vitornasc@gmail.com for more information.
Southern Minnesota 25 Oct 2011 Patrick Flandrin (CNRS-ENS Lyon) Lecture topic: "Chirps Everywhere". Contact Chapter Chair Christopher L. Felton at cfelton@ieee.org for more information.
Taipei 19-20 Oct 2011 Nasir Memon (Polytechnic Institute of New York University) Contact Chapter Chair Tihao Chiang at tchiang@mail.nctu.edu.tw for more information.
Tunisia 6-7 Oct 2011 Nasir Memon (Polytechnic Institute of New York University) Lecture topic: "Image Steganography and Steganalys" on Oct 6; "Image Forensics : Collection, Search, Attribution and Authentification" on Oct 7. Contact Chapter Chair Chokri Ben Amar at chokri.benamar@ieee.org for more information.
Tunisia 6-7 Oct 2011 Patrick Flandrin (CNRS-ENS Lyon) Lecture topic: "Time-Frequency Energy Distributions, Old and New" on Oct 6;  "Wavelet Tools for Scaling Processes : Theory and Applications" on Oct. 7. Contact Chapter Chair Chokri Ben Amar at chokri.benamar@ieee.org for more information.
Twin Cities 24 Oct 2011 Patrick Flandrin (CNRS-ENS Lyon) Contact Chapter Chair Dennis M. Moen at dennis.moen@ieee.org for more information.

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