Google Groups Invitation: Machine Listening

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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

Google Groups Invitation: Machine Listening

Jon Barker - University of Sheffield
Emmanuel Vincent - INRIA

We are glad to announce a new mailing list dedicated to the hot topic of Machine Listening.

The list aims to attract members from diverse research communities united by an interest in building robust Machine Listening applications, be it for speech, music or environmental sounds. This includes researchers and engineers in the fields of Audio and Acoustic Signal Processing, Speech and Language Processing, Multichannel and Multimodal Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Signal Processing.

The list will serve as a place for announcing events (workshops, challenges, journal special issues, etc), publicizing opportunities (jobs, PhD places, etc) and we hope it will also serve as a valuable discussion forum for people working in the field.

We have decided to use Google Groups as the platform for the list. In order to subscribe, please follow the link below.

Jon Barker, University of Sheffield
Emmanuel Vincent, INRIA

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