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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society
by Ivana Tošić (IVMSP Liaison to SPS eNewsletter)
The Technical Committee on Image, Video, and Multidimensional Signal Processing Technical Committee (IVMSP TC) promotes and guides the advancement of the field of image, video, and multidimensional signal processing. It provides leadership for the technical programs for ICIP and for the IVMSP-related areas at ICASSP; recruits and volunteers reviewers for ICIP and for the IVMSP-related areas at ICASSP; assists in proposing and organizing ICIP; organizes and operates IVMSP workshops and sessions at ICIP and ICASSP; and participates in a range of other SPS activities.
As every year, in 2013 IVMSP TC has continued its key role in overseeing the organization, reviewing process and the technical program of the ICIP and ICASSP conferences, as well as serving as core reviewers. ICIP 2014 will be held in Paris, France, from October 27th to 30th and will feature 20 special sessions from diverse areas in image, video and multimedia signal processing. This year, ICIP has received a record number of submissions, amounting to more than 2800 regular papers. Besides ICIP and ICASSP, the TC has made a notable contribution to the success of the 11th IEEE IVMSP Workshop on the topic of 3D Image/Video Technologies and Applications, which was held in June 2013 in Seoul, Korea, and hosted 109 attendees (54 papers).
The IEEE SPS is currently accepting proposals for hosting ICIP 2018. SPS members are invited to submit a proposal by February 28th 2014. Finalists will be invited to present at the Conference Board meeting held at ICASSP 2014, May 4-9, 2014 in Florence, Italy. Call for proposals for hosting ICIP 2019 will be issued later this year, with presentations by proposers anticipated at ICIP 2014.
In January 2014, the TC has welcomed a new chair, a new vice-chair and eight new members. Pascal Frossard, from EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland has taken over the role of the TC Chair for a two-year term. Vivek Goyal, from Boston University, Boston, USA, joins him as the Vice-Chair. Newly elected members for a term 2014-2016 are, in alphabetical order: Aydin Alatan, METU, Turkey; Nikos Boulgouris, Brunel University, UK; Keigo Hirakawa, University of Dayton, USA; Sanghoon Lee, Yonsei University, Korea; Vivienne Sze, MIT, USA; Ivana Tosic, Ricoh Innovations, USA; Stefan Winkler, Advanced Digital Sciences Center, Singapore; and Xiao-Ping Zhang, Ryerson University, Canada. Congratulations to the new leaders and to the new members!
The TC is also pleased to announce that, as of January 2014, two TC members have been elevated to the IEEE Fellow grade. Vivek Goyal (Boston University, Boston, USA) has been recognized for his contributions to information representations and their applications in acquisition, communication, and estimation; and Yun He (Tsinghua University, Beijing, China) has been recognized for her contributions to video coding and communication technologies.
IVMSP TC welcomes participation from all members of the SPS technical community interested in the TC areas. Affiliate membership within the TC is open to all, and you are encouraged to sign up. For additional information, please visit the TC website.
Nomination/Position | Deadline |
Nominate an IEEE Fellow Today! | 7 February 2025 |
Call for Nominations for IEEE SPS Editors-in-Chief | 10 February 2025 |
Call for Nominations for IEEE SPS Editors-in-Chief | 10 February 2025 |
Call for Nominations: IEEE T-MM 2025 Multimedia Prize Paper Award | 31 March 2025 |
Call for Nominations: Chief Editor, Resource Center | 9 April 2025 |
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