August 2018

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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

August 2018

Check back on the SPS website to keep up-to-date on upcoming Seasonal Schools!Are you looking to energize signal processing students, early stage researchers, and industry practitioners in your area? Consider hosting a Seasonal School for young engineers near you!

The IEEE annual election began on 15 August and ends on 1 October at 1 p.m. EDT USA/17:00 UTC.  The IEEE Signal Processing Society is committed to ensuring that its members are prepared with sufficient information about the candidates in order to make their best informed decisions. Vote now.

On behalf of the IEEE IVMSP-TC Nominations Subcommittee, we would like to call for nomination of new TC members to serve a 3-year term from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2021.

We’re excited to announce that beginning in the 2019 membership year, IEEE students and graduate student members will be able to join the IEEE Signal Processing Society for just one dollar!

This webinar intends to give in-depth introduction of econometrics principles and compare them with signal processing (SP) models. We explain the different focuses between economic time-series analysis and physical signal processing, such as evolution analysis, co-integration and causality analysis.

In accordance with the Bylaws of the IEEE Signal Processing Society, I am writing to solicit nominations for the Awards Board and the Nominations and Appointments (N&A) Committee.

Critical infrastructures such as the smart electric power grid, gas and water utility networks, transportation networks, and communication networks are crucially supporting quality of life and economic growth. Future critical infrastructures are envisioned to integrate sensory data acquisition, communication and computation technologies, and signal processing to offer improved services to their end-users.

The problem of pervasive indoor localization still remains largely unsolved due to the difficult propagation conditions. Some IoT applications will require real-time localization with submeter accuracy in GNSS-challenged environments.

Computer and communication systems are subject to repeated security attacks. Given the variety of new vulnerabilities discovered every day, the introduction of new attack schemes, and the ever-expanding use of the Internet, it is not surprising that the field of computer and network security has grown and evolved significantly in recent years.

Biometrics and multimedia forensics technologies are rapidly becoming an integral part of forensics sciences. This is evident by the increasing number of security applications such as computer and physical access control, digital rights management, homeland security, surveillance, and defence. 



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