October 2022 Workshop Sponsored by Synthetic Aperture Standards Committee (SASC)

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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

October 2022 Workshop Sponsored by Synthetic Aperture Standards Committee (SASC)

Standards are an important component of today’s commercial marketplace for a variety of advanced technology products.  A frequently cited example of a successful commercial standard is the development of the IEEE 802.11 Wi-Fi standard used to connect billions of wireless devices to local area networks.  Typically, standards are developed in a cooperative collaboration with partners from industry, government, and academia.  Standards can ensure interoperability between systems or serve as a quality benchmark that defines best industry practices.

The IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) Synthetic Aperture Standards Committee (SASC) is the first standards committee created under the auspices of the SPS and it is actively recruiting new members.  The SASC will be hosting a virtual workshop in October to showcase the use of synthetic apertures in diverse applications such as radar, sonar, channel sounding, radiometry, ultrasound, and seismology.  Standards are vital for increasing the adoption of emerging technologies and a goal of the October workshop is to highlight research trends in synthetic aperture applications and the implication for new standards.

Researchers interested in presenting new results or tutorial overviews related to synthetic apertures at the October SASC workshop are encouraged to contact Peter Vouras at synthetic_aperture_twg@ieee.org. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to,

  • Testbed approaches for Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces (IRSs) in 6G networks,
  • Phaseless measurements and phase retrieval,
  • In-situ antenna measurements corrupted by extraneous scattering,
  • Errors induced when a non-planar wavefront propagates across a large planar synthetic aperture,
  • Ultrasound imaging applications.

Additional information about the activities of the SPS-SASC for interested members can be found online at https://sagroups.ieee.org/sps-sasc/.

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