Announcing IEEE SustainTech Expo and Leadership Forum!

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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

Announcing IEEE SustainTech Expo and Leadership Forum!

The IEEE Signal Processing is proud to partner with the IEEE Computer, Power and Energy, and Communications Societies on the 2024 IEEE SustainTech Expo and Leadership Forum!

IEEE SustainTech is a new global leadership event on sustainable technology impacting buildings and factories, connecting leading industry changemakers with technical engineering experts to discuss innovative solutions to address global sustainability challenges. The inaugural event will be held 27-28 August 2024 in San Diego, California.

What to expect at IEEE SustainTech:

  • Presentations by C-Suite executives from top companies committed to sustainability.
  • Representation from influencers and innovators for end-user sustainable technologies.
  • Talks and discussions on real-world applications and leading practices for the latest market-ready sustainable technologies.
  • Exhibits and demonstrations by leading companies showcasing commercial technologies, success stories, and solutions for end users with sustainability objectives.
  • Insights into market trends by leading industry analysts.

IEEE SustainTech 2024 features the latest sustainable technologies including applications of artificial intelligence, big data, blockchain, communications, computer vision, infrastructure, reliability, security, and systems integration. Discussions will include:

  • Transitioning to Net Zero.
  • Leveraging funding and financing solutions.
  • Using carbon data to make business decisions.
  • Integrating business decisions with regulations.
  • Evaluating ESG performance using the right data.
  • Selecting the right decarbonization technologies.

Interested in learning more and getting involved in this exciting new event? Sign up for IEEE SustainTech news and alerts!



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