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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society


August 2020 is here. None of us really could imagine that we will be still working around COVID19 issues, but we are, and it’s a new normal. Many American universities are preparing for the fall semester, and it will be a hybrid semester at American schools, meaning, some in-person classes with most classes being online due to health and safety concerns. A similar situation is expected around the globe. This new hybrid way of teaching and research will most likely persist for the entire school year.

July and August usually represent months of relaxation and vacations. These are the months that typically would not see too many exciting things going on in the signal processing community. Occasional cool papers here and there would be the only exciting things happening in July and August. 

The global COVID 19 pandemic has changed everything. Universities, research institutes, companies and other organizations will be operating differently from now, that is, their business models will change drastically. Even when everything goes back to normal, the “new normal” will not resemble our “old normal.” 

The complexity we are involved in, nowadays, is the result of the very fast changing of the world scenario from the point of view of social life, economy, shortage of resources, etc. Internet and social networks, a kind of virtual cyber-skin embracing the planet, have tightly interconnected people, infrastructures and economic systems. All these changes have been fostered by technology innovation and we can only expect, due to the pace of technology innovation, that more changes are to come.


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