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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society
Call for Nominations Invited for:
Director-Student Services, Director-Membership Development, and
Seasonal Schools Subcommittee Chair
The IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) invites nominations for the positions of: Director-Student Services, Director-Membership Development, and Seasonal Schools Subcommittee Chair. The term for all positions is three years (1 January 2025-31 December 2027).
The Director-Student Services heads the Student Services Committee and is responsible to identify value/benefit/services to Student members and recommend policy/mechanism for recruiting Student members; develop programs and material to facilitate Student member recruiting and service; maintain and develop contacts with leadership and Student membership constituents; and provide proper communication channels and feedback. The Director-Student Services is responsible for the coordination of the conference Travel Grant Program, student competitions, and the Student Job Fair, and is a voting member of the Membership Board.
The Director-Membership Development heads the Membership Development Committee and is responsible to identify value/benefit/services to members and recommend policy/mechanism for recruiting and retaining different segments of membership; develop programs and material to facilitate member recruiting, services and retention; maintain and develop contacts with leadership and membership constituents; oversee collection of membership data and track trends; develop campaigns and statistics for member recruitment and retention; oversee development of marketing materials, identify external audiences and how to reach them, develop content for different segments of membership for newsletter/blog, and provide proper communication channels and feedback. The Director-Membership Development is a voting member of the Membership Board.
Seasonal Schools in Signal Processing are short term courses designed for graduate students, early stage researchers, and practitioners interested in selected topics in signal processing. The Seasonal Schools Subcommittee Chair heads the Seasonal Schools Subcommittee and is responsible to run the Seasonal Schools in Signal Processing Program and shall report to the Student Services Committee. The Seasonal Schools Subcommittee shall identify value/benefit/services to members and recommend policy/mechanism for recruiting Seasonal Schools; develop programs and material to facilitate recruiting and services for Seasonal Schools; maintain and develop contacts with leadership and membership constituents; and provide proper communication channels and feedback.
Nominations should be received no later than 15 July 2024 using the online nomination platform.
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