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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

Education & Resources

As a special benefit to IEEE members for the month of April, IEEE-USA will offer “Starting Your Start-up – Book 3: Competitive Analysis,” by Tanya Candia. This e-book is for engineers or entrepreneurs who have a great product or service idea, but no real marketing expertise. It gives advice on how to map out the competitive landscape, discern the product’s compelling value, and sell against any and all competitors. Available 1 April through 15 May.

Here are three facts to tell members about the IEEE Member Discounts Program:

  1. Discounted products and services and insurance are not just in the US anymore.
  2. IEEE members can buy at better rates than the public any day, not just when there is a sale.
  3. When you get benefits from Member Discounts, they are yours even when you change jobs.

In addition, when IEEE members participate in Member Discounts, IEEE earns royalties. So the greater the participation, the more Member Discounts contributes to IEEE revenue to help defer other costs.

IEEE Meetings, Conferences & Events (MCE) Conference Education Program Webinars: marketing your conference, global hotel partnership program

The IEEE Meetings, Conferences & Events (MCE) Conference Education Program is offering the following upcoming webinars:

Marketing Your Conference: Better Event E-mail Invites in 7 Easy Steps

Section officers can spread the word that IEEE offers a FREE online course especially designed for entrepreneurs and independent consultants. The course, called IEEE Risk Management for Engineers, examines the risk-management process including defining and measuring risk, exposure identification and risk analysis, risk responses, risk mitigation, and the value of contracts and professional liability insurance.

Learn more and/or take the risk-management course

As a special benefit to IEEE members for the month of February, IEEE-USA will offer "Work-Life Balance: Book 1," by Peggy G. Hutcheson. Hutcheson writes that “Work-life balance is a state of control, achievement and satisfaction in your life. It means that you have a sense of being able to make choices that fit for you, given your current situation and your goals. It also means that you align your choices with those things that are important to you in life, so that you are able to enjoy a sense of satisfaction from the choices you have made. Work-life balance includes more than time.

Please be aware that recent changes implemented by the Chinese government regarding access to social media services, cloud-hosted infrastructure, and API services may have an impact on your IEEE Web site.

Any features and functionalities on your IEEE site that make use of these types of services provided by companies such as, but not limited to, Google and Facebook, may be inaccessible by the public in China, including IEEE members and volunteers.

IEEE-USA has launched a new flagship publication, IEEE-USA InSight. IEEE-USA InSight represents the merger of IEEE-USA’s two award-winning publications: Today’s Engineer and IEEE-USA in ACTION. IEEE-USA InSight will continue to bring you the same thought-provoking and insightful content that you’ve become accustomed to receiving from IEEE-USA—careers, public policy, and news and announcements from IEEE-USA—in one comprehensive publication.

During the last couple of months, a few new Signal Processing and Machine Learning contests were initiated. Some of the ongoing ones with a strong relation to Signal Processing include:

As a special benefit to IEEE members for the month of December, IEEE-USA will offer “Starting Your Start-Up -- Book 2: Market Size and Strategy,” by Tanya Candia. The “Starting Your Start-Up” e-book series is designed for the engineer or entrepreneur who has a promising product or service idea, but no real marketing expertise. “Book 2: Market Size and Strategy” helps flesh out the initial plan and find the real market size, even when dealing with a disruptive technology in which market size data is hard to find.

The e-Membership program started as a pilot in 2011. The intent of the pilot was to test the impact of substantially reduced dues on membership recruitment and retention in countries where the per capita gross domestic product is US$15,000 or less. Data has shown that there was no significant increase on recruitment or retention during this period.


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