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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

Education & Resources

As a special benefit of IEEE membership, for the month of January, IEEE-USA is offering a free eBook, The Best of IEEE-USA Todays Engineer: On Consulting, Volume 1.

The cell maintains its function via an elaborate network of interconnecting positive and negative feedback loops of genes and proteins that send different signals to a large number of pathways and molecules. These structures are referred to as gene regulatory networks.

Date: January 16-20, 2012,
Location: Heraklion, Crete, Greece
Venue: Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas (FORTH)
Organizers: Athanasios Mouchtaris, Yannis Stylianou

“The entire science and education dissemination chain can be viewed as a value chain that runs from the top of a small pyramid of a group whose main duty is to create original/novel ideas and results,

The IEEE Signal Processing Society welcomes proposals from prospective organizers of summer schools under the newly launched S3P  (Seasonal Schools in Signal Processing) Program. 

S3P seasonal schools are typically either summer schools or winter schools, and are geared towards providing graduate students, early stage researchers, and practitioners with background on selected topics in signal processing.

On 5 October, Congressman Raul Labrador (R-Idaho) introduced a bill into Congress that will change the process international students use to become American citizens.  The bill will reduce the time between students earning their advanced degrees and when they can get a green card from between five and ten years to less than one.

Wondering if your 2- or 4-year university program is actually developing the desired knowledge, skills and abilities in graduates? The Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology Departments Heads Association (ECETDHA), with the support of the test development group at the Society of Manufacturing Engineers and funding from the IEEE, has developed a normative assessment exam

In the past two decades, significant progress has been made in automatic speech recognition (ASR) and statistical machine translation (MT). Despite some conspicuous differences, many problems in ASR and MT are closely related and techniques in the two fields can be successfully cross-pollinated.

How to incorporate financial signal processing into the undergraduate and graduate curricula? You can find suggestions in the column article “Incorporating Financial Applications in Signal Processing Curricula”.

New tutorials and transcripts expand IEEE training options for the IEEE Xplore® digital library IEEE, the world’s largest technical professional association, has launched 11 tutorials in 7 languages

as part of the organization’s online training and support program for the IEEE Xplore® digital library. The self-paced tutorials are presented on the IEEE client services Web page as voice-narrated Flash videos with complete downloadable transcripts in the following languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Japanese, Portuguese and Spanish.


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