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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

Technical Committee News

Did you know the Society offers funding under the Member Driven Initiatives program for events that encourage involvement by SPS membership, including local chapters, universities, industry members as well as individual members?

The Signal Processing Society (SPS) has 13 Technical Committees and 2 Special Interest Groups (SIGs) that support a broad selection of signal processing-related activities defined by the scope of the Society.

The positions we take in our sleep could reveal important factors related to our physical/mental well-being as well as affect the symptoms of conditions such as sleep apnea, bedsores, or even carpal tunnel syndrome. Moreover, patients are usually required to maintain specific poses after certain surgeries to get a better recovery result and during pregnancy, pregnant women are recommended to avoid certain sleeping postures that could cause harm to the fetus. 

Heat-related injuries have long been a serious focus for the military, and the number reported cases has been climbing sharply in recent years. In 2018, statistics indicated that there were 578 diagnoses cases of heat stroke and more than 2,000 reported incidents of diagnosed heat exhaustion among active service members.

Did you know the Society offers funding under the Member Driven Initiatives program for events that encourage involvement by SPS membership, including local chapters, universities, industry members as well as individual members?

The Signal Processing Society (SPS) has 13 Technical Committees and 2 Special Interest Groups (SIGs) that support a broad selection of signal processing-related activities defined by the scope of the Society.

The Signal Processing Society (SPS) has 13 Technical Committees and 2 Special Interest Groups (SIGs) that support a broad selection of signal processing-related activities defined by the scope of the Society.

The Signal Processing Society is pleased to announce the 5-Minute Video Clip Contest (5-MICC) at ICASSP 2020 in Barcelona (May 4-8). The topic chosen this year is Beamforming and the submitted video can cover any aspects of beamforming related areas. 

The Lifelong Learning Machines (L2M) program, a recent program from the Defense Advanced Research Agency or DARPA is funding the development of new machine learning systems that can learn continuously, adjust to new changes and apply previous knowledge to new situations.

The Signal Processing Society is pleased to announce the 5-Minute Video Clip Contest (5-MICC) at ICASSP 2020 in Barcelona (May 4-8). The topic chosen this year is Beamforming and the submitted video can cover any aspects of beamforming related areas.


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