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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

Technical Committee News

University of Utah computer scientists developed software that quickly edits "extreme resolution imagery" — huge photographs containing billions to hundreds of billions of pixels or dot-like picture elements.

Until now, it took hours to process these "gigapixel" images. The new software needs only seconds to produce preview images useful to doctors, intelligence analysts, photographers, artists, engineers and others.

For more  information, please follow here.

The BISP Technical Committee of the IEEE Signal Processing Society (IEEE-SPS) promotes activities within the broad technical areas of biomedical and biological signal and image processing.

If we had machines that could hear as humans do, we would expect them to be able to easily distinguish speech from music and background noises, to pull out the speech and music parts for special treatment, to know what direction sounds are coming from, to learn which noises are typical and which are noteworthy.

Hearing machines should be able to listen and react in real time, to take appropriate action on hearing noteworthy events, to participate in ongoing activities.

The IFS TC Nomination & Election Sub-Committee collected this year 18 candidatures from high caliber researchers and scientists, and 9 individuals have been elected.

Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP) TC elects new officers and names venue for MLSP 2011 conference.

he purpose of the Signal Processing Education Technical Committee (SPEd TC) is to foster the growth of all aspects of the intersection between signal processing and education. The past months have been both busy and productive for SPEd TC.

The SPCOM TC aims at illuminating and exploring signal processing challenges in communications and networking.


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