Call for Nomination Deadline Extended to 15 March 2024: Society-Level Fellow Search Committee

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Call for Nomination Deadline Extended to 15 March 2024: Society-Level Fellow Search Committee

The Board of Governors of the IEEE Signal Processing Society invites nominations for the society-level Fellow Search Committee based on the newly updated IEEE Fellow Evaluation process.  In summary, the updates to Fellow Evaluation process were motivated to create inclusive excellence and diversity to reflect the makeup of the IEEE membership.

Nominators are encouraged to take into consideration the need for representation of diversity in the nomination slate, when submitting their nominations.  The composition of the committee is required to meet the following diversity requirements:

  • A maximum of 50% of members from Regions 1-7
  • A minimum of 10% of members from each of the following Regions: 8, 9, and 10
  • At least 30% female members
  • No more than 60% of members from education
  • At least one member from the Standards community is recommended.

We will accept all nominations, however to achieve the IEEE diversity requirements we are looking for non-male candidates, candidates outside of academia, and those located in Region 9.

The SPS Fellow Search Committee is seeking nominations to comprise the committee of 7-11 members for 2025. The term of appointment is one year, renewable for up to two additional terms (1 January 2025-31 December 2025). The Fellow Search Committee is tasked with identifying for the upcoming cycle suitable nominees for possible elevation to IEEE Fellow with particular emphasis on nominees who reflect the diversity of IEEE and the diversity of the professional communities identified with IEEE.

Note: All candidates must be an active IEEE Fellow, an active Society member in good standing, and cannot be a member of the IEEE Fellow Committee or the IEEE Board of Directors. If appointed, members cannot serve as a Nominator for any Fellow nominees or serve as References or Endorsers for any Fellow Nominees evaluated by SPS.

All nominations should be submitted in the online nomination system no later than 15 March 2024.  Please provide the following information for the nominee:

  • Name and Information of Candidate
  • IEEE member number
  • Grade
  • Gender
  • Region
  • Academic, Industry, or Government
  • Involvement in Standards related activities
  • Cluster number and technical area
  • Individual’s biographical information (no more than 200 words)
  • Information about the individual’s current activities in the Signal Processing Society, the IEEE, or other professional societies.
  • Statement of support from nominator
  • High-resolution image of individual



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