Call for Nominations: Board of Governors Members-at-Large and Regional Directors-at-Large

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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

Call for Nominations: Board of Governors Members-at-Large and Regional Directors-at-Large

Athina Petropulu

Athina Petropulu
Chair, 2024-2025 SPS Nominations and Appointments Committee

Deadline: 5 April 2024

The IEEE Signal Processing Society is seeking nominations for future leaders! Nominations for several SPS leadership roles are open now, and we are now soliciting for the following roles with terms beginning 1 January 2025:

  • THREE Members-at-Large to the Board of Governors (three-year terms ending 31 December 2027)
  • TWO Regional Directors-at-Large (two-year terms ending 31 December 2026)
    • Regions 1-6 (USA)
    • Region 8 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)

Know someone who may be a good fit? Submit a nomination through our online platform for consideration. The following information is required:

  • Candidate name
  • Contact information
  • IEEE Region
  • IEEE member number and grade
  • Nominator statement of support
  • Brief biography including information about current SPS, IEEE, or other Society volunteer activities
  • Technical affiliation
  • High resolution photo

More detailed information for each position can be found on the Member-at-Large and Regional Director-at-Large pages.

Please provide nominations for Regional Director-at-Large and Member-at-Large through the online nomination system. All nominations must be received no later than Friday, 5 April 2024. Full details can be found on the Society’s website.

If you have any preliminary or additional questions, you can contact SPS Nominations and Appointments Chair, Athina Petropulu.

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