Call for Nominations: Editor-in-Chief IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence

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Call for Nominations: Editor-in-Chief IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence

Call for Applications and Nominations for Editor-in-Chief
IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence

The IEEE Computational Intelligence Society; IEEE Computer Society; IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society; IEEE Signal Processing Society; and IEEE Robotics Society seek nominations for the position of Editor-in-Chief-Elect of IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence (IEEE TAI) from July 2024, to commence from 1st of January 2025 a two-year term as the Editor-in-Chief.

The EIC term is renewable for one additional two-year term subject to endorsement by the steering committee.

The Editor-in-Chief-Elect will assist the Editor-in-Chief in carrying out administrative functions, learn the operation of the Publication, and succeed the Editor-in-Chief at the end of his/her term.

By 1st of April 2024, prospective candidates are asked to provide (as PDF files) a complete curriculum vitae, a vision statement describing their plan for the publication’s future, and a letter of support from their institution or employer. For more information on the search process and to submit nominations or application materials, please contact: Jo-Ellen Snyder.

Additional information about IEEE TAI.

Selection Criteria - Candidates for Editor-in-Chief-Elect should:

  • have a significant editorial experience,
  • possess good understanding of industry, academic, and government aspects of Artificial Intelligence,
  • demonstrate managerial skills necessary to process manuscripts through the paper workflow process in a timely fashion,
  • display demonstrated ability to operate an international team,
  • be a member of the IEEE, and
  • be a member of at least one of the following societies: IEEE Computational Intelligence Society; IEEE Computer Society; IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society; or IEEE Signal Processing Society.

Position Responsibilities

  • operating and abiding by the IEEE Publication Services and Products Board Operations Manual,
  • actively soliciting high-quality manuscripts from potential authors and, with support from publication staff, helping these authors get their manuscripts reviewed and, if accepted, published,
  • identifying and appointing Editorial Board members with the concurrence of the Steering Committee,
  • overseeing the Editorial Board members' selection of competent manuscript reviewers and managing timely reviews of manuscripts,
  • directing Editorial Board members to seek special issue proposals and manuscripts in specific areas,
  • providing a clear, broad focus through promotion of personal vision and guidance where appropriate, and
  • handling plagiarism cases, appeals and resolving conflicts as necessary.


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