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Audio and Acoustic Signal Processing

Technical Committee

The AASP TC's mission is to support, nourish and lead scientific and technological development in all areas of audio and acoustic signal processing. These areas are currently seeing increased levels of interest and significant growth providing a fertile ground for a broad range of specific and interdisciplinary research and development. Ranging from array processing for microphones and loudspeakers to music genre classification, from psychoacoustics to machine learning, from consumer electronics devices to blue-sky research, this remit encompasses countless technical challenges and many hot topics. The TC numbers some 30 appointed volunteer members drawn roughly equally from leading academic and industrial organizations around the world, unified by the common aim to offer their expertise in the service of the scientific community.

Special Issue Announcements: Special Issues of Journals, Transactions, Magazines and Paper Deadlines, published by the IEEE Signal Processing Society:
Also, visit the AASP TC Conferences/Workshops page.

The AASP TC elections:

The Nominations, Awards and Elections Subcommittee of the AASP Technical Committee is currently seeking nominations for new Members. Nominations should be submitted by September 15 to  Emanuël Habets (emanuel DOT habets AT audiolabs-erlangen DOT de),  and to the AASP TC Chair Shoko Araki (shoko DOT araki DOT pu AT hco DOT ntt DOT co DOT jp). Candidates and nominators have to compile the nomination form.


All TC candidates must be current IEEE and SPS members in good standing. New member candidates can be self-nominated or nominated by TC members. Members will serve a term of three years. Current TC members who are in their first term may be nominated for a second consecutive term, but are not eligible to vote in the new member election. After the second term on a TC, members may run for additional terms, but there must be an absence of at least 3 years between terms. New members must be willing to review papers within the area of the TC, which are submitted to the Society’s conferences, review papers for workshops owned or co-owned by the TC, serve in the subcommittees established by the TC, and perform other duties as assigned.

We strongly encourage the experts from underrepresented social groups and regions to apply for our membership.

Technical Committee members will be elected by the members of the Technical Committee itself based on the needs of the Technical Committee. 

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