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Audio and Acoustic Signal Processing

Technical Committee Educational Activities

The AASP TC is actively supporting the educational activities of the IEEE SPS. This website provides links to some of these activities.

Tutorials, Keynote Addresses and Presentations 

This table lists tutorials given at past conferences and concerning activities of the AASP TC.

Presenter Title Conference
Constance Douwes, Francesca Ronchini and Romain Serizel Monitoring Environmental Impact of DCASE Systems: Why and How? DCASE 2023
Keisuke Kinoshita, Yusuke Fujita, Naoyuki Kanada and Shinji Watanabe Distant Conversational ASR and Analysis ICASSP 2021
Meinard Müller, Andreas Arzt, Stefan Balke Cross-Modal Music Retrieval and Applications ICASSP 2019
Marc Delcroix and Katerina Zmolikova Neural Target Speech Extraction Interspeech 2021
Tuomas Virtanen, Annamaria Mesaros and Toni Heittola Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events ICASSP 2019
Reinhold Haeb-Umbach and Tomohiro Nakatani Speech Enhancement Interspeech 2019
Bracha Laufer-Goldshtein, Ronen Talmon and Sharon Gannot Multi-Microphone Speaker Localization on Manifolds EUSIPCO 2019
John Hershey Machine Hearing in the Integrative Era: connecting the dots between modalities and tasks IWAENC 2018
Sharon Gannot Multi-Microphone Speaker Localization and Tracking on Manifolds ITG 2018
Roland Badeau Unified Stochastic Reverberation Modeling EUSIPCO 2018
Walter Kellermann Current Challenges in Multichannel Acoustic Signal Processing for Natural Human/Machine Interfaces  SAM 2018
Tuomas Virtanen Computational Analysis of Sound Events in Realistic Multisource Environments LVA/ICA 2018
Hiroshi Sawada, Nobutaka Ono, Hirokazu Kameoka, Daichi Kitamura

Blind Audio Source Separation on Tensor Representation

Mark Plumbley Making Sense of Sounds: Machine Listening in the Real World WASPAA 2017
Augusto Sarti Looking into Perfection the Art and Science of Stradivarius Violins (Part 1 - Part 2) WASPAA 2017
Ville Pulkki Parametric Time-Frequency-Domain Spatial Audio – Delivering Sound According to Human Spatial Resolution WASPAA 2017
Mads Græsbøll Christensen, Jesper Kjær Nielsen, and Jesper Rindom Jensen Statistical Parametric Speech Processing: Solving problems with the model-based approach ICASSP 2017
Christine Evers Bayesian Learning for Robot Audition HSCMA 2017
Sharon Gannot Multi-microphone Speaker Localization on Manifolds: Achievments and Challenges LVA-ICA 2017
Rudolf Rabenstein  Acoustic Signal Enhancement unver Variable speed of Sound Conditions IWAENC 2016
DeLiang Wang Supervised Speech Separation IWAENC 2016
Yusuke Hioka Estimating Power Spectral Density for Acoustic Signal Enhance-ment - an Effective Approach for Practical Applications IWAENC 2016
Ivan Tashev Audio challenges in virtual and augmented reality devices IWAENC 2016
Mads Græsbøll Christensen

Statistical Parametric Speech Processing: Solving problems with the model-based approach

(associated YouTube video)

Jonathan Le Roux, Emmanuel Vincent, and Hakan Erdogan Learning-based approaches to speech enhancement and separation Interspeech 2016
Israel Cohen Microphone Array Power Ratio for Speech Quality Assessment in Noisy Reverberant Environments IWAENC 2016
Israel Cohen GARCH Models and Applications to Speech Enhancement and Anomaly Detection WiSSAP 2016
Alessio del Bue, Marco Crocco 3D room Reconstruction with Sound ICASSP 2016
Emmanuel Vincent and Emanuël Habets Advanced spatial processing LVA/ICA 2015
Alexey Ozerov, Antoine Liutkus, Gaël Richard Informed Audio Source Separation: Trends, Approaches and Algorithms ICASSP 2014
Sharon Gannot, Alexander Bertrand 

Introduction to Distributed Speech Enhancement Algorithms for Ad Hoc Microphone Arrays & Wireless Acoustic Sensor Networks

Emanuël Habets, Sharon Gannot Linear and Parametric Microphone Array Processing ICASSP 2013
George Tzanetakis, Sidney Fels Multi-modal user interfaces: a new music instruments perspective ICASSP 2013
Tomohiro Nakatani, Armin Sehr, Walter Kellermann Reverberant Speech Processing for Human Communication and Automatic Speech Recognition ICASSP 2012
Israel Cohen, Sharon Gannot, Ronen Talmon Speech Modeling and Enhancement Using Diffusion Maps ICASSP 2012
Shoji Makino and Hiroshi Sawada Blind Speech Separation based on Independent Component Analysis and Sparse Component Analysis INTERSPEECH 2011
Paris Smaragdis, Bhiksha Raj Applications of Topic Models to Speech and Audio Signal Processing ICASSP 2011
Emmanuel Vincent Music source separation DAFx 2011
Meinard Müller, Anssi Klapuri Music Signal Processing ICASSP 2011
Israel Cohen, Sharon Gannot Speech Modeling and Enhancement in Nonstationary Noise Environments (Part I, Part II) SIPA 2011
Emmanuel Vincent and Nobutaka Ono Music source separation and its applications to MIR ISMIR 2010
Malcolm Slaney, David V. Anderson Applications of Psychoacoustics to Signal Processing ICASSP 2009
Meinard Müller Analysis and Retrieval Techniques for Music and Motion Data ICASSP 2009
Shoji Makino, Hiroshi Sawada Audio Source Separation based on Independent Component Analysis ICASSP 2007


Distinguished Lectures

The following distinguished lectures have been given by current and former members of the AASP TC.

Lecturer Title Year
Paris Smaragdis

1) Non-Negative Models for Source Separation; 2) Machine Learning for Speech Enhancement; 3) Machine Listening: Making Computers that Understand Sound


Akihiko (Ken) Sugiyama

1) Signal Processing for Robot Audition: How signal processing helps a robot recognize user commands in adverse environment; 2) Signal Enhancement in Cellphone Handsets, PCs, and Digital Still Cameras/Camcorders; 3) Phase: Unexplored wilderness in signal enhancement; 4) Adaptive Noise Cancellers: Challenges, solutions, and successful applications of a classical technique

Shoji Makino Blind Audio Source Separation based on Independent Component Analysis 2009/10
Walter Kellermann 1) Tackling the Acoustic Front-end for Distant-Talking Automatic Speech Recognition; 2) Acoustic Signal Processing for Next-Generation Multichannel Human/Machine Interfaces 2007/08


Online Video Library

The IEEE SPS offers an Online Video Library with tutorial resources on fundamental and emerging signal processing topics. The following videos are related to the AASP TC.

Presenter Title Year
Kristen Grauman Look and Listen: Audio-Visual Learning in Video 2021
Laurie Heller Perception and Acoustics of Everyday Sound Events 2021
Mounya Elhilali Active Listening in Everyday Soundscapes 2020
George Tzanetakis Music Information Retrieval 2013
Meinard Müller Music Processing using Chroma Features 2013
Meinard Müller, Peter Grosche Tempo and Beat Tracking 2013


Other Educational Materials

People/Organization Content (Iran R. Roman) Google colab notebooks
AES Technical Committee on Coding of Audio Signals

Tutorial page on audio codecs.




SPS Social Media

IEEE SPS Educational Resources

IEEE SPS Resource Center

IEEE SPS YouTube Channel